Healthy Breakfast – Sprouted Moong Pancake

Healthier Way to Start a Day is the Best Way to Start a Day.

Pancakes, the westernized name for the South Indian visual treat ‘Ada’ surely knocks our taste buds & fills us up with a delightful delight in our eyes. When made with sprouted moongs this delicious breakfast option is healthier and nutritious. The fiber-rich recipe not only fills you up but also imparts you with a good amount of proteins as well. In addition to it all, this healthy breakfast loads you up with many essential vitamins and minerals too. Few extra supplements like carrot and spinach can shape-up these pancakes as a more energizing and wholesome power breakfast.

With the yummy mélange of moong sprouts and veggies, this dish is not only easy to put together but also a real culinary and visual treat!


1 cup moong sprouts

1/4 cup finely chopped spinach

1/4 cup finely chopped fenugreek

2 tbsp. grated carrot

2 tbsp. besan

1/2 tsp. turmeric powder

1/2 tsp. ginger-green chili paste

1/4 tsp. cumin seeds

1/4 tsp. oil

Salt to taste

Preparation Time: 10 mins, Cooking Time: 15 mins

Count – 4 pancakes


  1. Combine moong sprouts and ½ cup of water and blend in a mixer to a smooth paste. Transfer it to a bowl.
  2. Add all the ingredients to the bowl. Sprinkle salt and mix the batter with a spoon till no lumps remain.
  3. Pour water if required to make a loose mixture.
  4. Grease a pan with oil (preferably a cast iron) and make small pancake till it is golden brown in color.
  5. Repeat with the remaining batter.
  6. Serve hot with chutney or sauce of your choice.


Foods to be included in your Diet during Monsoon Season

According to Ayurveda, an individual must maintain a diet as per the prevailing season. Being monsoon season, there is a high requirement to alter your diet as Vata dosha gets aggravated, Pitta dosha accumulates and Kapha dosha gets pacified. And also, this is the season when the digestive fire (Agni) is weak which further affects the digestive power. All these lead to digestive problems, poor immunity and other ailments. Thus, a nutritious diet comprising of food items that help balance Vata and Pitta doshas must be followed and it can include the following food items:

  1. Garlic

Garlic is loaded with immunity-boosting properties and antioxidants. They are known to ease your digestive system which is very beneficial during monsoon season. Chop or crush them and add it to your food or even have it in the form of garlic rasam along with some black pepper.


  1. Ginger

Ginger boosts metabolism, immunity and helps in keeping infections at bay. Its medicinal properties safeguard our body from common diseases during monsoon-like cold and flu. Ginger must be consumed for improving the body’s capability to absorb the nutrients from food and lead to proper digestion. It can be consumed in case of inflammation or stomach aches caused due to indigestion. Grate some fresh ginger and add it to a cup of warm water along with some lemon juice. Have this ginger tea as your daily dose to boost immunity.


  1. Almonds

Almonds are quite low in fat and packed with multiple nutrients like vitamin E, copper, high-quality protein and magnesium. Rich in healthy unsaturated fatty acids and bioactive molecules like fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, consuming almonds will help prevent cardiovascular diseases. It enhances Agni, regulates sugar levels and protects the body from various monsoon-related diseases.


  1. Apples

Apples are loaded with dietary fiber, antioxidants, and flavonoids which help reduce the risk of developing cancer, heart diseases, and diabetes. Having an apple a day will also ensure that your digestive system functions properly.


  1. Pomegranate

Considered to be the perfect inclusion in not just your monsoon diet but for a healthy one, pomegranates are lauded for its benefits. Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and fibers, pomegranate helps in preventing cancer, for digestion, inflammation and treating many other diseases.


  1. Beetroot

Blend it into tasty juice, roast it or else add them to your salads, beetroots taste good and benefit well for your body either way. Packed with vitamins, minerals, powerful antioxidants, fiber and is low in fat this one helps in lowering cholesterol levels and detoxifies your body. Have a glass of beetroot juice daily during monsoon season to keep you healthy and boost your stamina.


  1. Green Gram

Green gram is a good source of iron, vitamin C and potassium which helps in proper absorption of nutrients in our body and also reduces blood pressure. It is also good for detoxifying your body. The presence of antioxidants in green gram rebuilds the connective tissues of the skin and removes dull and lifeless complexion. The best way to have it is as sprouts. Toss it with some chopped onion, tomato and a dash of lemon juice and crushed black pepper.


  1. Bitter Gourd

A rich source of vitamin C, bitter gourd is loaded with innumerable health benefits. It helps boost immunity and keeps your body fit during monsoon season. With its strong antiviral properties, it definitely gives the much required healthy boost for the body.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Turmeric

A very popular spice known for its incredible therapeutic properties, Turmeric or Curcuma longa is a golden wonder found in every household. Turmeric is used for a wide range of purposes like cooking, dietary supplement, topical applications, etc. It is tridoshic in nature, meaning that its heating quality helps in balancing Kapha and Vata doshas while its bitter taste helps in balancing Pitta dosha. But it should be consumed in a moderate quantity as it could aggravate Pitta and Vata doshas.

Here are the key benefits of incorporating turmeric in your daily routine:

  •  Promotes Digestion

The presence of vitamins, anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants, minerals and fiber in turmeric promotes acid production that aids digestion and also helps in nutrient absorption in the body. It helps in maintaining a healthy stomach, liver and digestive system.

  •  Healthy Joints

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric, this spice is used to prevent and reduce inflammation, pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Curcumin in turmeric is considered to be promising enough to help ease arthritis symptoms, nourishes the joints keeping it healthy and providing comfortable joint movement.

  • Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Curcumin, an active component found in turmeric helps prevent type 2 diabetes. It can decrease the level of glucose in blood and reduce complications related to diabetes, making it easier to manage the condition. It is advised that curcumine should only be consumed in a moderate quantity i.e., not above 4 grams of curcumin daily.

  • Nourishes the Heart

The therapeutic benefits of turmeric include keeping the heart healthy and combating against any serious complications. Due to the presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and being cardioprotective in nature it helps prevent heart attacks.

  • Bolster Immune System

Incorporating turmeric in your daily routine is considered to be a natural way to boost your immune system. You can keep ailments like cold and flu at bay with the help of turmeric. And also, curcumin in turmeric is known to have a positive effect on healthy inflammation response and this greatly benefits the healthy functioning of your immune system.

The Nutritional Fruit – Guava and its Health Benefits

A tropical fruit with a distinct flavor and fragrance, guava, is considered as a superfood with various health-improving properties. Easily available everywhere, this fruit is packed with minerals, vitamins, fiber, iron and what not. It contains about 80% of water content thus, making it an ideal pick during summers.

Here are few key health benefits of consuming the superfood guava:

  1. Lowers risk of cancer

Loaded with antioxidants such as lycopene, quercetin, vitamin C and other polyphenols, it prevents the growth of cancer cells by neutralizing the effect of free radicals generated in the body. As per latest study, guava was found to be successful in reducing prostate cancer risk and prevents the growth of breast cancer cells.


  1. Diabetes-friendly

Guava is best known to keep the blood sugar levels in check. With the presence of low glycaemic index and rich fibre content positively affects the glucose blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is advised to regularly eat guava to regulate blood sugar levels in your body.


  1. Healthy Heart

Consuming guava helps in enhancing the balance of sodium and potassium in the body, regulating blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension. It also helps in lowering triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels ad also good cholesterol (HDL) levels.


  1. Improves Eyesight

The presence of vitamin A in guava helps in boosting vision health and prevents the degradation of eyesight. It slows down cataracts and macular degeneration, a medical condition that causes blurred or no vision at all. It is recommended to eat three guavas a day during its season to enjoy its maximum benefits.


  1. Weight Loss

Guava can be consumed as a healthy healing snack, especially for those weight-conscious people. Rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber content, it gives you instant energy boost and satisfies your appetite easily. Guava helps in weight-loss this way and also regulates metabolism. The dietary fibers and antioxidants are useful in muscle regeneration and breaks down complex proteins in the body.


  1. Beneficial for Brain

Vitamin B3 and B6, also known as niacin and pyridoxine respectively, improves blood circulation to the brain. As a result, it stimulates cognitive function, relaxes the nerves and sharpens our focus. Guava also helps in improving thinking and recall capacity due to the presence of potassium that maintains electrical conductivity of the brain.


  1. Improves Immunity

Guava is rich in vitamin C and contains 4 times that of oranges. It helps in boosting immunity and protects the body from common infections and pathogens. Its anti-inflammatory properties keep your body disease-free.


  1. Good for Skin

Rich in vitamin A, C and antioxidants like carotene and lycopene, guava helps in protecting skin from wrinkles and prevents ageing, fine lines and dullness of skin. It also helps in toning the skin and tightens the facial muscles when a decoction of the leaves and fruit is applied topically.



Ayurveda Recommended Guidelines to Keep Your Bones & Joints Healthy

Arthritis is a common yet painful condition affecting one or multiple joints along with inflammation. The tenacity of arthritis tends to increase during the cold and chilly days of winter season, making the joints stiff and adding to the pain and swelling. Its symptoms are mainly found in adults over the age of 60-70 years. Though there are no permanent cure for treating arthritis, with proper diet alterations and care it is possible to manage this condition.

According to Ayurveda, arthritis is caused due to an imbalance of vata dosha. When ama, toxin produced due to poor digestive system, accumulates in your body, it aggravates vata dosha. Ama circulates and gets deposited in joint areas causing arthritis. To maintain healthy bones and joints, follow the below mentioned guidelines:

  1. Exercise regularly

Indulge in weight-bearing exercises to keep your bones healthy. Reduce doing high-impact activities like jogging, dancing and skipping as it may further aggravate your arthritic condition and take up low-impact exercises like walking to manage the condition especially if you have weak bones or a history of falls.


  1. Maintain a healthy weight

People suffering from arthritis condition must ensure that they maintain a healthy weight in order to avoid too much strain on the joints. Weight-bearing joints like hip, knees and back have to support your weight and therefore, the less you weigh the less would be their work.


  1. Balanced diet

Follow a balanced diet comprising of foods rich in nutrients, amino acids, antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to consume lentils, horse gram, easy to digest grains like cooked oats and rice, berries, ginger, etc. for maintaining bone and joint health. Also, avoid hot and spicy food as it would aggravate doshas.


  1. Perfect posture

Do not slouch while standing as it affects the joints badly. While standing or sitting make sure your back is straight so as to protect your joints from neck to your knees. While lifting or carrying things, follow the right posture to prevent any harm or injury for your joints and bones.


  1. Adequate dose of Calcium and Vitamin D

Ensure that you get adequate supply of Calcium and Vitamin D daily. Calcium is required to build strong bones and teeth, as you age. Foods rich in calcium include milks, beans and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin D is essential for keeping your bones healthy and helps in absorbing calcium. Incorporate foods containing Vitamin D like fish, milk, eggs, cod liver oil and mushrooms.


  1. Avoid too much salt and carbonated drinks

One of the main reasons our body lose calcium is due to excessive intake of salt in food. And drinking carbonated drinks like soda and fizzy drinks will limit our ability to absorb calcium in our body because of its phosphorous content.


The Art of Drinking Water According to Ayurveda

Drinking water is an art that should be taken care for a healthy and wholesome well-being. Human bodies require water for metabolic activity, strong immunity, weight-loss and for cellular function. According to Ayurveda, it helps in cooling and balancing Pitta dosha, promotes digestion, supports Kapha and also counteracts the dryness of Vata dosha.

With the significance of drinking water reminded to us on a regular basis, it is important to drink water in its right way at the right time. It is recommended to drink 8 cups (64 ounces) to 12 cups (96 ounces) of water a day, though 8 is considered as an ideal quantity for most of the people.

Here are the 6 ways of drinking water, according to Ayurveda:

  1. Sit and drink

Just like we sit and eat, it is important to sit while drinking water. The water you drink while standing goes to the stomach with force and wouldn’t quench thirst. It is advised to sit and drink water as it gradually goes to your stomach and helps in replenishing every organ with nutrients.


  1. Take small sips, not full-glass chugs

We often tend to chug down water in large gulps, sometimes choking us. In Ayurveda, it is recommended to drink water in small sips, swallow it and then take a breath before continuing the process. It would also help in reducing the stress on heart and gives the body more time to absorb it in.


  1. Drink warm water

It is always advised to drink warm water or water in room temperature throughout the day. Avoid drinking cold and iced water as it would douse the digestive fire, hindering proper digestion process to create ama. Drinking warm water helps in flushing out the toxins and keep the digestive system functioning and in track.


  1. Sip only a small amount pre and post meals

Drink only a small amount of water along with your meals or after meals. The preferred ratio of food and water in stomach is 50% of food, 25% water and the remaining 25% empty for digestive juices and process. Drinking too much of water while eating will fill your belly leaving insufficient space for digestive actions.


  1. Drink water when thirsty

Thirst is a natural indication given by your body when it requires water for functioning. Therefore, it is always important to drink water whenever required or thirsty else it would lead to dehydration and other problems like headache, tiredness and so on.



  1. Drink 2-3 litres of water

The amount of water required per day for each person would depend on the activity level of that person. But it is advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water or about 3 litres everyday to replenish the lost water content in the body and to make it hydrated.


Drinking water in the right aforesaid ways will help you with the below health benefits:

  1. Promote weight-loss and remove by-products of fat to keep you fresh and healthy.
  2. Curb hunger at odd times of the day thereby preventing overeating.
  3. Prevent dehydration that slows down bodily functions and metabolism.
  4. Energise your muscles while exercising.
  5. Prevents constipation and maintain the balance of body fluids.

6 Spices & Herbs to help manage Arthritis

An inflammatory disease which causes pain, swelling and stiffness in joints, arthritis is a progressive disease which worsens with advancing age. And Ayurveda defines the primary cause of arthritis to be the aggravation of Vata dosha and recommends Vata pacifying measures for management of the condition.

Here is a list of 6 herbs recommended to help manage arthritis.


The spice is hailed as highly effective to combat inflammation. The compound curcumin present in turmeric is beneficial for managing chronic-inflammatory related joint diseases. It can also be applied topically to relieve pain.


The presence of anti-inflammatory components make Ajwain a natural aid to arthritis pain. It also contains anaesthetic properties which further help in relieving excessive pain during winter. Soak a spoonful of ajwain in a tub of hot water and soak aching joints in it for easing swelling and pain. Crushing these seeds and making a paste of it and applying on affected area is beneficial for alleviating pain.


Eucalyptus oil contains tannins that are helpful in reducing swelling and pain associated with arthritis. Also, the aroma of eucalyptus oil is considered to have calmative effects on the brain to relieve the discomfort.


The compounds that give ginger its strong flavour also provide it with anti-inflammatory properties that help manage the inflammation and swelling related to arthritis.


Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid, which have antioxidant properties to help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. It can be used in combination with other foods and spices to offer a cumulative anti-inflammatory effect.


Garlic contains an anti-inflammatory compound which help limit the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines and thus is beneficial for fighting pain, inflammation and cartilage damage caused by arthritis.

7 Healing Spices that are a must-have in the kitchen

Did you know that the spices we use daily in the kitchen also have therapeutic benefits and medicinal usages, making them the quick and instant solutions to common ailments?

Here are the 7 healing spices that are must-have in the kitchen to prevent ailments ranging from physical pain to indigestion to allergies.

Carom seeds

Carom seeds or ajwain are potent painkillers. Taking ajwain seeds is a quick remedy for relief from pain. It is also highly recommended for managing bloating, gas and constipation. Boil carom seeds in water and drink the water after cooling down. Add it in dishes as seeds, dry roasted or in powdered form to receive benefits for common gastric issues like bloating and gas.


With an amazing list of benefits, turmeric is a must-have in the kitchen. It helps boost immunity, benefits digestion by appetizing food and purifies the blood. As it helps improve complexion, turmeric is a common ingredient found in Ayurvedic beauty recipes and home remedies. The herb is also highly recommended for treating wounds. Turmeric can be added to almost all recipes. Mixing turmeric with milk or water and applying the paste on face before bath is beneficial for improving skin complexion. Make turmeric milk by boiling milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and drink it for treating wounds and swelling.

Cumin seeds

Cumin helps digest the existing toxins in the body and also act as a great overall digestive aid which prevents most digestive disorders. Cumin seeds are particularly beneficial for diarrhoea and vomiting. It also helps purify breast milk for lactating mothers. Cumin seeds can be added to all savoury dishes. Roast the seeds, grind them into a powder and use it as a table spice by sprinkling on food.


Cardamom benefits hyperacidity. It also helps fight bad breath and one of its primary actions in the body is to cleanse the mouth. Another action of the spice is to reduce nausea. Chew one or two pods of cardamom and spit out the peels to use it as a mouth freshener. It can also be mixed with honey or lukewarm water and given to babies suffering from coughing and vomiting.


Nutmeg is considered to benefit those with stress and psychological issues. It is also an anti-diarrheal and helps improve the smell of both breath and the stools. It is good for the voice and helps sleep like a baby. Add a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg to warm milk and drink it before bed for sound sleep.


Saffron has both practical and spiritual applications in Indian culture. Placing saffron on a person’s forehead during spiritual rituals can be related to its action on the blood tissue of the body which prevents and treats headaches. Saffron is also used to reduce vomiting. It benefits the skin by improving the complexion and is a key ingredient in natural Ayurvedic beauty regimes. Drink milk boiled with a few strands of saffron before bed or in the morning for beauty benefits. Rub saffron strands with milk and apply the paste to reduce dark circles. It can also be added to rice dishes.

Rock salt

Rock salt is recommended for weight loss over common salt as it does not cause the water retention and weight gain that regular salt creates. Rock salt also has additional benefits which include kindling the digestive fire or Agni and prevention of burning and other skin conditions. Regular sea salt can be replaced with rock salt for cooking. Starting the meals with a small piece of fresh ginger and rock salt is beneficial for igniting the digestive fire.

Ayurvedic Tips And Remedies For Better Eye Health For Computer Users

Do you strain your eyes regularly? Are you someone who works for hours every day in front of computers? Do you spend more time on mobiles, television and computers than necessary? Well, it’s high time you take a pause and understand what’s good and what’s not good for your eyes. As one continuously strains their eyes, especially in the case of IT professionals, they gradually become susceptible to health and eyesight issues.

Your eyes are one of the most important organs of the body and often we tend to take it for granted, pushing ourselves to strain and pain. According to Ayurveda Kerala, most of the eye problems are a resultant of pitta imbalance. And people in the age group of 40’s should be cautious as an imbalance in vision governing sub-dosha of pitta, alochaka pitta, could tamper your eyesight.

During scorching heat of summer season, our eyes become light-sensitive, dry, red and irritated. Taking good care of your eyes is very much Ayurvedic Kerala recommended to keep your eyes cool, relaxed and healthy. And with other factors like stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy food habits, hormonal imbalances and reduced intake of drinking water, the health of our eyes get deteriorated.

Here are a few ayurvedic tips and remedies to maintain good health of eyes:

  1. Balanced Diet

The food you consume determines your eye health. Incorporate food that is rich in vitamins and nutrients like egg, almonds, carrots, orange, spinach, amla, broccoli, and food rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, soybeans and mackerel. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to boost the production of the lubricating layer of your eyes.

Reduce or avoid spicy and salty food as these can lead to an imbalanced pitta dosha. Also, drink plenty of water and avoid cold, carbonated drinks, caffeine and alcohol. A balanced diet not only ensures good eye health but also helps in weight management for IT professionals whose work nature demands for less or no physical activity.

  1. Cleanse

Put a drop or two of organic castor oil twice a day which is free from preservatives and chemicals, as eyedrops. It is recommended due to its naturally lubricating and anti-inflammatory properties that provides relief from burning and itching associated with dry eyes.

Clean your eyes with cool water to flush out dust. Applying wet cotton pads with rose water over your eyes for ten minutes daily before bed or placing chilled cucumber slices helps in relaxing and soothing your eyes and also removes dark circles.

  1. Home Remedies

When it comes to treating common eye health problems, home remedies always comes in handy and are effective too. There are indeed many home remedies that can help in maintaining and achieving good eye health and some of them are:

• Apply raw aloe vera gel on your eyelids to treat dry eyes and its symptoms. It also protects your eyes from anti-aging, fungal and bacterial infections, and sunburn.

• Add 3-4 drops of essential oil like lavender or chamomile to a cup of warm water. Dip a clean washcloth in it and place it on your eyes for 10 minutes. Repeat this twice a day to soothe eyes and relieve from irritations.

• To treat eye inflammation, place grated or sliced potato on your eye for 15 minutes daily before bed.

• Indulge in massage or abhyanga on your eyelids with warm oil like Brahmi or coconut oil for 10-15 minutes before bed to de-stress your eyes. Practicing this before bed promotes good sleep giving sufficient rest for your eyes.

  1. Eye Exercises

Eye exercises are beneficial for relieving strain, strengthening eye muscles and improving vision. Practicing eye exercises daily in between work and before bed helps in maintaining good eye health.


Swedana or Medicated steam bath and it effects

Swedana is the fomentation or sudation therapy in Ayurveda involving the procedure to induce sweat or perspiration in the body using steam generated from medicated herbal decoctions. It is one among the preparatory procedures of Panchakarma to open up the channels of the body to aid in the effective elimination of toxins. Fomentation is given after abhyanga or an Ayurvedic full body massage for an enhanced detoxification.

The therapy is highly beneficial for relieving muscular tension and inflammation, promoting blood circulation and to clear the energy passages. Swedana is also recommended for disorders pertaining to the vitiation of Vataand Kapha doshas.

Benefits of Swedana

Helps balance Vata and Kapha doshas
Clears the body channels
Eliminates toxins through the pores of the skin along with sweat
Revitalizes and rejuvenates skin
Increases digestion and metabolism
Eases sore muscles, numbness, stiffness and rigidity
Improves range of joint movement and mobility
Improves activity of sensory organs


Swedana is recommended for the following conditions.

Body ache
Lower back ache
Asthma and cough

Types of Swedana

Ayurveda defines two types of Swedana according to the method employed for inducing perspiration. Bashpa Swedana is a full body steam bath, whereas NadiSwedana is a localized process aimed at inducing perspiration on a specific region of the body.

Bashpa Swedana – The process of inducing sweat is done by making the person sit inside a chamber for a medicated steam bath. It is most effective when performed after a full body oil massage as the skin will be primed with oil and will be more susceptible to absorbing the herbal steam.
Nadi Swedana – The steam is generated from a boiling medicinal decoction and is directed towards a specific part of the body using a tube for therapeutic benefits. Nadi Swedana focused on stiff joints or energy channels help clear pathways and reduce inflammation.