6 Super foods to manage Diabetes

One of the most common lifestyle disease nowadays, diabetes is a metabolic
disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels in the body. Lifestyle and
dietary changes are highly recommended for diabetic patients after the onset of
the condition.
Here are 6 super foods recommended by Ayurveda to help manage Diabetes.
Bitter gourd
Being rich in plant insulin, bitter gourd is highly recommended for decreasing
high blood sugar levels. It also contains essential compounds which aids in the
absorption of glucose. Drinking bitter gourd juice daily is hailed beneficial for
diabetic patients. Bitter gourd can also be added in the daily diet through dishes
and curries.
One of the richest source of Vitamin C, amla helps regulate the function of
pancreas to maintain blood glucose levels in balance. Amla can be eaten raw or
made into juice and consumed mixed with bitter gourd juice.
Fenugreek seeds
Possessing hypoglycemic properties, fenugreek seeds helps reduce blood
glucose levels significantly. It is also found beneficial for improving glucose
tolerance and to stimulate secretion of glucose-dependent insulin. Add
fenugreek seeds in cooking or soak 2 tbsp. of fenugreek seeds in water
overnight and drink that water and eat the seeds the next morning. Ground
fenugreek seeds and turmeric can also be taken with a glass of milk twice daily.
Drumstick leaves
Drumstick or Moringa oleifera leaves are helpful in maintaining healthy blood
sugar levels, while also boosting one’s energy. The leaves contain nutrients that
aids in increasing the insulin secretion in the body. It is also rich in antioxidants
and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Moringa leaves can be added to the
daily diet by steaming, added in salad or in other dishes.
Jamun or Indian blackberry is considered a major anti-diabetic food in
Ayurveda. Along with the rich antioxidant properties, it contains jamboline, a
chemical which helps slow down the diastatic conversion of starch into sugar.
Jamun can be eaten raw, its seeds can be added in lukewarm water in powdered

form and consumed. Chewing of jamun leaves is also considered beneficial for
preventing the conversion of starch into sugar.
The combination of three fruits – amlaki, bibhitaki and haritaki; triphala is a
powerful antioxidant which is found effective in lowering the blood sugar
levels. A decoction made out of triphala and turmeric can be taken daily to
manage diabetes.

Top 6 Spices that fight Diabetes

Diabetes is a rising health concern all over the country and as per Ayurveda, maintaining normal blood sugar levels is vital for your overall health and to prevent the condition. You can do it with a healthy diet, regular exercise, proper eating habits, maintaining a healthy body weight and consuming anti-diabetic superfoods and herbs on a regular basis.
One can try the below spices for those who have diabetes to ease the symptoms and control their blood sugar levels –
1. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is one of the world’s most popular spices used for centuries as an herbal medicine in Ayurveda. Powdered cinnamon has the ability to lower blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin activity. It contains bioactive components that can help prevent and fight diabetes.
• Mix one-half to one teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of warm water and drink daily for optimum results.
2. Turmeric
Turmeric is a good spice to control high blood sugar levels. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-atherosclerotic, heart-protecting and weight-reducing actions that help diabetic people manage blood sugar levels and reduce complications from the disease. A bioactive compound, Curcumin in the spice helps in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.
• Drinking a cup of turmeric tea regularly is advised for diabetic patients.
3. Cayenne Pepper
The capsaicin in this spice can help veins and arteries regain their elasticity, which can normalize blood pressure levels. This helps the blood flow through your body, especially the extremities, where you might have complications from high blood sugar. The super spice not only reduces blood sugar levels, but also blood cholesterol and formation of blood clots that can harm the body.
• Mix half teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of warm water and add a juice of half a lemon and drink it regularly in the morning.
4. Ginseng
The holistic healing properties of the spice ginseng is great for controlling after-meal blood sugar levels. It not only increases the insulin sensitivity but also reduces the complications attributed to the condition as well. It even helps in metabolizing carbohydrates, a common problem among people who have Type 2 diabetes.
• Drinking 1 to 2 cups of Ginseng tea daily is recommended for those suffering from diabetes.
5. Cumin
Here’s one amazing spice that you should start adding to your dishes if you are suffering from Diabetes. Cumin can lower both blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is recommended to diabetics because it has a positive effect on advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which are lipids or proteins that are harmful to the body and so damaging in diabetes.
• Drinking cumin tea regularly is recommended for diabetes patients.
6. Cloves
Powerful tasting and highly aromatic super spice cloves make an excellent addition to many dishes. According to Ayurveda, this herb is also known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help diabetics lower their blood sugar levels and stay healthy.
In fact, studies have shown that consuming just one to three grams of cloves each day can help both manage glucose and cholesterol levels. To get cloves in your diet, add the herb to your cooking or drink it as a tea.

Ayurvedic Management for Diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to make proper use of glucose, resulting in the condition of high blood sugar or hyperglycaemia which then leads to a condition called glycosuria. (High levels of glucose in urine). Diabetes, if not managed properly may lead to severe complications like heart attacks and blindness.

Glucose comes from the food we eat and is also made in liver and muscles. The blood carries glucose to all the cells in our body. Insulin, a chemical (or hormone) produced in the pancreas, is responsible for the uptake of glucose into cells for energy. Decreased levels of insulin affects this mechanism leading to increased glucose in the blood stream.

Ayurvedic Understanding of Diabetes

According to Ayurveda, the condition diabetes fall under the category of ‘Prameha’ that is a result of excessive Kapha dosha. Ayurveda considers diabetes in three stages – early (Kaphaja Prameha), acute (Pittja Prameha) and chronic (Vataja Prameha). The insufficient digestion leads to incomplete metabolism and paves way to the creation of ama, a toxic material. Ama forms a cover in the small intestine and duodenum thereby prohibiting the secretion of essential enzymes needed for the health of cells. Ayurveda also accuses stress as a psychic factor which can also cause neuroendocrine changes. Ayurveda recognizes the impact of emotional changes on diabetes and considers emotions as psycho- physiological phenomenon effecting automatic responses that may result in hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia. The treatment recommended in Ayurveda is aimed at rejuvenating and curing the body to not only balance sugar levels, but also ensuring that no further complication is caused.

Factors that cause Diabetes according to Ayurveda
Ayurveda has described central adiposity (fat in the mid-section or around the tummy) and sedentary lifestyles as one of the major causes of Diabetes. Also, factors that are often responsible for causing diabetes are excessive intake of foods which are difficult to digest, such as fried foods, fast foods, creams, etc., lack of exercise, mental stress and strain, excessive sleep, overeating and obesity, excessive intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Symptoms of Diabetes according to Ayurveda

• Excessive urine formation & Frequent urination
• Increased hunger
• Excessive Thirst
• Fatigue
• Weight loss or weight gain
• Blurred vision
• Slow healing
• Skin infections

Management of Diabetes through Ayurveda
The treatment of Prameha or Diabetes aims at restoring the balance of doshas and the normal function of Dhatu. If Doshas slightly increase, restriction of diet along with increased activity is sufficient as a therapeutic measure. If the doshas are moderately increased, one should administer medicines to neutralize the doshas along with dietetic restrictions and increased activity. If the Doshas are markedly increased, apart from dietetic restriction, exercise and medicines, one should also advise Panchakarma treatments so that the increased Doshas are eliminated from the body. Ayurveda’s diabetes care encompasses herbs, therapeutic treatment procedures, Panchakarma therapies, healthy diet, yoga, and meditation to counter this life-threatening disease. It pushes on the fact that an entire change in the lifestyle of the person is inevitable.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Suggestions for Diabetes

Everyday lifestyle is an important factor for Diabetes in India. Following an active lifestyle not only works as preventive therapy to keep away the disease of diabetes, but it also is highly supportive in keeping the blood sugar levels under control and also to prevent complications of diabetes. Diet and lifestyle modifications are two main necessitates that find prime importance in Ayurveda diabetes management. Day sleep has to be generally avoided. Whereas in diet control, starches and sugar control is imperative for a diabetic patient. Every day exercise in form of brisk walk in fresh air for one hour or undergoing yoga and pranayama procedures are highly recommended. Some of the beneficial Yoga positions include Dhanurasana, Shavasana, Paschimottanasana, Yogmudrasana, Sarvaangasana, Utaanpadasana and kandharasana.

10 Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to make proper use of glucose resulting in the condition called hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar) and glycosuria (Excess glucose in the blood ultimately results in high levels of glucose being present in the urine). According to Ayurveda, Diabetes or Prameha is classified as a major disease that if not treated in time, may lead to several complications in the body, including eye problems, joint pains, heart diseases, nerve damage, impotency, kidney failure and more.

Here are several Ayurvedic home remedies that are found to be very effective in treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar levels:-

  1. Mango Leaves

Boil 15 fresh Mango leaves in 1 glass of water. Leave it overnight. Filter this water and drink it first thing in the morning. Tender mango leaves are very effective to treat diabetes by regulating insulin levels in the blood.

  1. Basil Leaves

Basil leaves (Tulsi) are packed with antioxidants that relieve oxidative stress and have essential oils that help in lowering blood sugar levels in the body. Take 2 tablespoons of juice extracted from basil leaves and drink on an empty stomach in the morning regularly to keep your blood sugar level in control.

  1. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

The Vitamin C present in Indian gooseberry (Amla) promotes proper functioning of the pancreas. Extract the juice from the fruit and take 2 teaspoons of the juice mixed with a glass of water. Consume this drink daily in the morning on an empty stomach to keep your blood sugar level in control.


Take two teaspoons of Amla juice with a pinch turmeric powder early in the morning regularly.

  1. Fenugreek Seeds
    Fenugreek seedsare a rich source of fiber useful for controlling diabetes. The fenugreek seeds can be soaked in water overnight and should be taken early in the morning before your breakfast. The seeds can also be powdered and mixed with milk. Repeat this remedy daily for few months to control blood sugar levels.
  2. Bitter Gourd

Juice of Bitter gourd/Karela (30 ml) should be taken on empty stomach daily in the early morning to control your diabetes.

  1. Cinnamon powder

This is one of the important natural home remedies for Diabetes.

First take one litre of drinkable water. Add 3-4 tbsp. of cinnamon powder and heat it for 20 minutes. Strain the mixture and make it cool. Drink it every day!

  1. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are useful in preventing and controlling diabetes as they have anti-diabetic properties.

Simply chew about 10 fresh curry leaves daily in the morning. For best results, continue this treatment for three to four months. It also helps reduce high cholesterol levels and obesity.

  1. Ladies Finger

Okra, also called ladies’ finger, has constituents such as polyphenolic molecules that can help reduce blood glucose levels and control diabetes.

Cut off the ends of few okras and prick them in several places using a fork. Soak the okras in a glass of water overnight. In the morning, discard the okras and drink the water on an empty stomach. Do this daily for several weeks to control your blood sugar levels.

  1. Tulsi

Tulsi is packed with antioxidants and have essential oils that help lower blood sugar levels. Drink 2 tablespoons of juice extracted from the sacred tulsi on an empty stomach every morning.

  1. Drumstick Leaves

Drumstick leaves are believed to be a store house of medicinal properties that can cure many diseases. The consumption of leaves can keep the blood sugar levels in control and purify blood. Take a handful of tender drumstick leaves, blend them in a mixer and drink the juice every morning regularly.


Prevention of diabetes is very important. Following the above home remedies, few simple lifestyle changes, eating a healthy diet and practising yoga regularly can help to manage the blood sugar levels at ease!


Diabetes – Why You Get It How You Treat It -Ayurveda

Diabetes is now truly an epidemic! The number of patients diagnosed with the disease, continue to rise in a daunting figure; many are in a dilemma how to resolve this problem, while several others are under the spell of misconceptions and myths about diabetes. Before delving deep into this condition, it is very important to know what our body does with the food we consume.

What happens Post-Digestion?
The foods we consume are made up of three basic nutrients- carbohydrates, proteins and fats. As the food is digested, carbohydrates are turned into sugar (glucose) for the production of energy. During this process, a series of chemical reactions take place, starting with the flow of sugar from stomach that reaches muscles and fat cells through blood stream. The entry of sugar into these cells is aided by insulin, a hormone produced by pancreas. Insulin acts as a key in opening the doors of each body cell, thereby allowing sugar to enter. These cells then use this sugar to generate energy needed for the growth and regeneration of the whole body. Sugar entering the blood stream from the stomach is thus able to exit at the muscle and fat cells.

Who is Diabetic?
In simple terms, a person becomes diabetic when his sugar levels in the body become uncontrollably high. It can happen in two ways, either the pancreas stop producing enough insulin or the body cells become underactive resulting in the accumulation of sugar in blood stream. As the sugar fails to enter the cells, the body becomes weak and turns underactive to make the fuel it needs. The problem may be manifested through symptoms like weight loss, tiredness, constant hunger, frequent urination and change in vision. Overtime, exposure to this extreme sugar levels can cause damage to vital organs connected to the blood stream.

Ayurveda on Diabetes
The traditional healthcare system of India, Ayurveda, offers a balanced and holistic multi-modality approach to treating this disorder. This ancient Indian medical system describes diabetes under the broad category of ‘Prameha’. Ayurveda considers diabetes in three stages- early (Kaphaja Prameha), acute (Pittja Prameha) and chronic (Vataja Prameha). Ayurveda insists each individual to understand his own nature and asks to cultivate eating habits according to it. The insufficient digestion leads to incomplete metabolism and paves way to the creation of ama, a toxic material. Ama forms a cover in the small intestine and duodenum thereby prohibiting the secretion of essential enzymes needed for the health of cells. Ayurveda also accuses stress as a psychic factor which can also cause neuroendocrine changes. Ayurveda recognizes the impact of emotional changes on diabetes and considers emotions as psycho- physiological phenomenon effecting automatic responses that may result in hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Ayurveda’s diabetes care encompasses herbs, healthy diet, yoga, and meditation to counter this life-threatening disease.
Since ancient times, plants have been an exemplary source of medicine and Ayurveda mentions the use of many of them in the treatment of Prameha. These plants also supplement us with effective home remedies to pacify the effect of diabetes in our body. Some of them are as follows:-
• BITTERGOURD – This healthy rich vegetable has the power to lower the blood sugar in diabetes. This vegetable reduces glucose transport into the blood.
Remove the skin and seeds of five bitter gourds and make a juice by grinding it on a juicer. Drink on empty stomach every morning.
• CINNAMON – This miraculous spice is a safe and effective way to help control blood sugar level. The aromatic and flavorsome spice can also replace sweetener in your meals which helps in reducing your sugar intake.
Boil one liter of water and let it simmer for 20 minutes in low flame. While it is simmering add three tbsp. of cinnamon powder. Strain the mixture and drink it every day.
• FENUGREEK SEEDS – Fenugreek plant has sharp bitter-tasting seeds that are extremely beneficial for treating diabetic conditions. It has anti-diabetic properties that can enhance insulin secretion for hyperglycemic patients.
Soak four tbsp. of fenugreek seeds in 250 ml of water overnight. Crush them in the morning. Sieve the mixture and collect the water. Drink it daily.
Yoga for Diabetes
This chronic disease is effectively controlled if you make yoga an essential part of your daily life. Yoga increases insulin stimulation and lowers blood sugar levels. The controlled breathing involved in various asanas also counter the mood swings accompanied with the disease and makes you focused and concentrated.
• ARDHA MALSYENDRASANA – This yoga stance detoxifies all your internal organs including your pancreas and makes your body work in a balanced way.
• PASCHIMOTTASANA – Cortisol, the stress hormone raises your blood sugar level. Doing this yoga stance relaxes your body and decreases the stress hormone back to the normal level.

With diabetes blanketing over the health of the modern world, it’s now time for us to resort to the best treatment practice in the Word – Ayurveda.
It teaches one simple thing – One third of the stomach should be for food, one third for water and the remaining for the digestion process to take place. This magical mantra will sure keep your diabetes at bay. Follow the health schedule prescribed by this holistic system of medicine and bask in a diabetes-free life.