Covid 19 Measures

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We would like to introduce you to some measures we are taking to safeguard your health, safety and well-being at our center.

Stay with Peace of Mind.

We are committed to safeguarding guests’ safety, health and well-being.

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[fusion_li_item icon=”fa-praying-hands fas”]Arrival & Departure
Guests can check in and check out online. Everyone arriving at our properties has their temperature checked.


[fusion_li_item icon=”fa-car-alt fas”]Transport
The vehicles used for airport transfers are fully sanitized after every journey. Drivers follow the strictest hygiene standards and hand sanitizer is available in every vehicle.

[/fusion_li_item][fusion_li_item icon=”fa-hand-holding-medical fas”]Guest Guardians
A Guest Guardian has been appointed at each property to ensure the highest level of health and safely compliance at all guest touchpoints.


[fusion_li_item icon=”fa-user-md fas”]Hospital Staff
All team members have received enhanced COVID-19-related health and safety training under the NABH standards including correct procedures for wearing masks and personal protective equipment and physical distancing awareness.


[fusion_li_item icon=”fa-hand-sparkles fas”]Public Areas
We have significantly increased cleaning and sanitation schedules in all public areas with particular focus on high-touch areas such as door handles and lift buttons.


[fusion_li_item icon=”fa-hospital-alt fas”]Rooms
Rooms are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after every stay.


[fusion_li_item icon=”fa-user-nurse fas”]Treatment
Therapist have been given special training under NABH for providing treatments in a safe environment.


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Photo by Anshu A


How to Boost your Immune System with Ayurveda?

According to Ayurveda, the theory of Immunity is called ‘beej-bhumi’ which literally translates to ‘seed-land’. Our body is the ‘land’ in which the ‘bugs’/infection are like seeds. When our body has infections, ‘Ama’ which is the toxic by-product is formed. As the ‘ama’ in the body increases and ‘Ojas’ (which is the fine vital energy formed in the body as a result of proper digestion) decreases, the ‘seeds’ or the infection also finds its fertile soil to grow on.

Ayurveda believes that negative emotions can also be a reason for the decrease in ‘Ojas’ like feelings of anger, hatred, guilt, jealousy, hunger, excessive fatigue and so on… The weakening of immunity can also occur due to negative emotions, excessive antibiotics, lack of physical activity, also genetic factors. Good health is a sign of a good immune system.

Another aspect of Ayurveda is called ‘Tejas’- the intelligence of our body. Our body has ‘Tejas’ that is it is able to differentiate between the foreign organisms and their own cells. ‘Tejas’ helps the cells communicate with each other through hormones and other ‘chemical messages’. When the intelligence of the body is disturbed due to toxins or trauma, ‘Tejas’ is blocked and so it cannot distinguish the cells properly. This condition commonly leads to autoimmune disease.

We must consume food that will help to increase ‘Tejas’ and avoid consuming food that will increase ‘ama’ in the body.

Here are some tips to boost your immunity:

  • Consume natural and easily digestible food and increase the intake of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume cereals, legumes, low-fat organic dairy products and food which are neither raw nor overcooked.
  • Consume food kept at room temperature; avoid too much consumption of refrigerated food.
  • Dairy products such as milk, paneer (cottage cheese) and ghee are good for boosting the Ojas energy as ghee and milk have the property to stimulate Ojas. Adding a bit of cardamom to warm milk will increase the digestion power.
  • The whole-grain foods such as quinoa, amaranth, flax seeds also have a positive effect on the immune system, because they contain fiber and valuable nutrients, which clean up the toxic substances from the body.
  • The green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, leafy cabbage, are recommended for a weak immune system. They also contain calcium, iron and other valuable nutrients that have a cleansing effect on bowels. Few other vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower contain a lot of antioxidants and flavonoids that also stimulate immunity.
  • The legumes contain a high amount of proteins, are light and healthy and so they are highly recommended in Ayurveda.
  • Avoid consumption of processed food as they increase the ‘ama’ content in the body. They don’t allow ‘Tejas’ to reach the body cells which in turn causes toxins to accumulate in the body. As the non-digested foods increase in the body, the food starts to rot and a process of fermentation begins and thus toxic substances are released in the body.
  • Add some immune-stimulating spices to your diet.
  • turmeric has immunity stimulating effects due to its ability to remove toxins from the body which helps reduce ‘ama’.
  • pepper: cleanses the body entirely so that it facilitates ‘Ojas’ energy to reach the tissues in depth.
  • cardamom, cinnamon, healing herbs can be consumed in the form of tea or tonics.


Ayurveda not only recommends being physically active but also to give enough rest to the body. Give yourself some good body massage in order to restore the strength. Most important of all is practicing meditation, breathing techniques like pranayama and practicing Yoga.

Some of the asanas which help in building immunity are Sukhasana, Matsyasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Trikonasana, Tadasana. For more details on how to do the asanas and how it helps in building immunity, refer 7 Yogasanas that help in building the immune system.

As said above, all these tips are aimed to restore balance in the body and help repair underlying imbalance and strengthen the immune system, rather than treating the problem. Eat healthily and stay healthy.

10 Superfoods to keep you cool during the Summer Season

Unbearable heat and extreme humidity, Summers are here again. Cool off this summer and stay healthy &hydrated with these 11 superfoods –

1. Cucumber

Very rich in water and effective in providing cooling effect to the body, Cucumber is an ideal summer food. Snack on cucumber slices, or a green juice with lots of cucumber and lemon.

2. Mint

The superfood is used as a home remedy to provide cooling effect to the body. Mint leaves juice is the perfect medicine to lower body heat.

3. Watermelon

Being rich in water, a glass of Watermelon juice keeps you hydrated, cool and refreshed.

4. Butter-Milk

According to Ayurveda,Buttermilk is one of the best home remedies to reduce body heat. It is recommended to have buttermilk two times a day during summer.

5. Muskmelon

It is a rich source of water loaded with nutrients and contains cooling effect which makes it effective remedy to treat body heat. Drink Muskmelon Juice regularly to reduce the body heat.

6. Lemon

It oxygenates and hydrates the body during the hot summer days. It is recommended to enjoy about 2 glasses of lemon juice a day.

7. Pomegranate

A glass of pomegranate juice every day helps you to stay cool and lowers body heat naturally.

8. Coconut Water

Coconut water is very effective for rehydrating your body. In addition, it is loaded with nutrients that will help lift your energy too.

9. Sugarcane

With lots of sugar content, a juice of Sugarcane not only gives a cooling effect to the body but also boosts the energy level of the body. A glass of sugarcane juice daily would balance the body temperature in summer.

10. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Amla is very rich in Vitamin C that acts as an effective remedy to control body heat. Drink Amla Juice on empty stomach in the morning regularly to reduce body heat during the summer.

With these superfoods, drinking plenty of water everyday, avoiding spicy and oily foods and practicing yoga regularly would help in beating the heat this summer.

7 Effective Ayurvedic Practices to Improve your Digestion

Efficient digestion nourishes the body, provides energy and keeps you healthy, while a poor digestive health may have a bad bearing on the overall well-being of a person.
Here are 7 Ayurvedic Practices to Improve Your Digestion –

1. Manage Stress

Too much stress or anxiety can cause our digestive system to go weak. Meditating for 20 to 30 minutes, twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening helps in strengthening your digestion process by reliving the negative energies off you.

2. Exercise or Practice Yoga Daily

Do some form of daily activities, whether it is a little yoga every morning, or a daily walk for strengthening your digestion. Even, short post-meal walks are very much effective than taking a longer, 45-minute walk once daily.

3. Don’t overeat

More food means more acid to digest which means more chances of acid reflux and indigestion. According to Ayurveda, its recommended that we leave one-third to one-quarter of our stomach empty to allow space for our body to easily digest our meal.
Follow this simple way to measure an ideal portion of food for a meal based on your body size – Cup your hands together with your fingertips touching, forming the shape of a bowl. The recommended amount of food for a meal is the equivalent of two of these handfuls of food.

4. Ginger Tea throughout the Day

Having ginger tea throughout the day, and with meals is extremely good for digestion. The superfood stimulates digestion by speeding up the movement of food from the stomach into the small intestine, and helps eliminate digestive discomfort after eating. Also, ginger can stimulate saliva, bile, and gastric enzymes to aid in digestion of the food that has been ingested.

5. Eat your largest meal at lunchtime

Our digestive system secretes the highest concentration of “digestive juices” during the noon time, making this the best time to eat our largest meal. While, having a biggest meal at dinner in the evening, when our digestive fire is weaker will lead to indigestion, heaviness and bloating.

6. Avoid Smoking and excessive Alcohol

Alcohol, Smoking and coffee can interfere with the functioning of our digestive system, and lead to problems like stomach ulcers and heartburn. Avoid smoking and excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol!

7. Practice Healthy Hygiene for Better Digestion

Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before eating or preparing food is highly recommended. This helps prevent transmission of potentially dangerous bacteria into your food.

8 Natural Home Remedies for Fatty Liver and to Boost Liver Function

Fatty liver is nothing but fat building up in the liver. Follow these safe and effective home remedies to boost your liver health if you’re diagnosed with fatty liver disease.

1. Amla or Gooseberry

Ayurveda highly recommends Amla for the treatment of Liver Problems because of its rich nutrient content especially Vitamin C. One of the best ways to have Amla in your daily diet is having its juice early in the morning on empty stomach.

2. Apple Cider vinegar

It is the best home remedy for fatty liver disease. It promotes healthy liver functioning by reducing inflammation. Add a tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar to a cup of warm water and drink it every day in the morning. You can add honey to enhance the taste.

3. Lemon

Lemon is extremely rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps the liver produce enzymes called glutathione. Glutathione neutralizes toxins; thus, lemon helps the liver with detoxification. Take the juice of ½ lemon in a glass of water and drink it 2 or 3 times a day for several weeks.

4. Turmeric

It improves the body’s ability to digest fats so they do not accumulate in the liver. It also aids the liver detoxification process. Mix ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of water and boil it. Have it twice daily for a couple of weeks.

5. Papaya

According to Ayurveda, both the papaya fruit and its seeds are effective treatments for fatty liver disease. Moreover, papaya aids in rapidly burning dietary fats, one of the main causes of fatty liver disease. A slice of ripe papaya with honey taken once daily improves the functioning of the liver.

6. Green Tea

The catechins present in green tea improves liver functioning and fat infiltration in patients. It improves the liver function by blocking the fat stored in the liver. 3 to 4 cups of green tea a day is ideal to fight against fatty liver disease.

7. Cinnamon

The super spice helps in better production of enzymes in the Liver. It can also reduce inflammation in the liver cells. Have Cinnamon tea in the morning for benefits.


The superfood is rich in Fat-soluble Vitamin E which keeps your liver healthy and protected against fatty liver. Having 1 cup of broccoli 3 times a day is recommended.

How‌ ‌to‌ ‌deal‌ ‌with‌ ‌mild‌ ‌insomnia:‌ ‌a‌ ‌few‌ ‌ Ayurvedic‌ ‌tips‌ ‌to‌ ‌get‌ ‌you‌ ‌early‌ ‌to‌ ‌bed‌

Except for a diet, there’s probably nothing that plays an important role in maintaining your body’s health and wellbeing as much as a good night’s sleep does.It is your body’s nature-appointed time for rest, relaxation and restoration. It is the time when your body is able to relieve itself of all emotional and mental stress and restore its physical balance.

The less sleep you get, the more challenging the next day feels. This might end up making you feel numb or impervious to what’s going on around you and incapable of handling daily tasks.

Let’s take a deeper look at the root cause of sleep deprivation according to Ayurveda.


Sleepless nights: The Ayurvedic perspective

There are three types of sleep imbalances and each has something to do with your body’s dosha constitution, namely: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.


Sleeplessness Caused by Vata imbalance

If your problem is that you are unable to fall asleep and feel restless throughout the night, then you may be experiencing a Vata-imbalance.

This can be remedied by taking simple measures such as using warmth and weight to comfort your body’s Vata. You could try wearing warm and cozy socks to bed and using a heavier blanket. Taking a warm bath right before you go to sleep can also be a great way to naturally induce sleepiness if you’re someone experiencing a Vata imbalance.

Try reducing your ceiling fan’s speed since Vata is a life force associated with air and wind and heavier winds can end up disrupting your Vata balance.


Sleeplessness Caused by Pitta imbalance

Those with a Pitta imbalance may find it easy to fall asleep but might wake up during early morning hours and find it difficult to return back to sleep.
People with Pitta-imbalances are able to sleep better in a cool atmosphere Turn the heat down a few degrees,or slightly open your window up a little to let the night breeze in.. This will reduce your chances of waking up in the middle of the night when the temperature gets too humid. In short,the cooler the environment, the deeper the sleep.

Sleep problems caused by Kapha imbalance

A person with a Kapha imbalance, on the other hand, might be able to get several hours of deep and restful sleep but still feel tired or lethargic when waking up. If this is the case with you, try doing the following:


  • Wake up before 6.00 a.m. Sleeping well past dawn can cause an accumulation in the body’s ama (toxins)
  • Decrease your daily coffee intake and try herbal tea (green tea) instead. This works better to help eliminate ama from your body and freshen up your senses.
  • Try a Kapha-pacifying diet. You should avoid desserts and cold ice-cream.
  • Do daily exercises between 6-10 in the morning (also known as the Kapha time of the morning.
  • Sleep in a dark environment. Dim the lights and go to bed wearing something super comfy like pajamas.make sure your sheets are comfortable(try organic cotton ones).


A few sleep-supporting habits

  • Follow your body’s circadian rhythms daily. Take a leisurely walk at sunrise and during sunset. This will signal your body when it is time to rise and when it is time to rest.
  • Let the light in! Open your windows and draw your curtains back. If you’re having trouble sleeping, switch your phone off and bask in the warmth of the evening sun as it sets. The resulting difference might amaze you.
  • Eat a well-cooked meal at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Having your meals right before you go to sleep signals your body to stay awake and active to digest the food. It would be best to have your dinner in the late evening.
  • Allow yourself to engage in stress-free activities before you go to sleep. In other words, let your mind get into a relaxed and unperturbed state.
  • It would be best to finish all work-related activities around 7pm or at least 3-4 hours before you go to sleep.
  • Sleep comes naturally and effortlessly. You don’t need to go out of your way to try and find it. You just need to get into that mindstate where it can find you,

Yoga Poses that help in Hair Growth

Hair loss is a problem everyone is concerned about. Ageing, medication, stress, improper diet, over use of hair styling products, and genetics can be the reasons for hair loss. Yoga, as well as it benefits the body, helps in having attractive skin and healthy hair too. By doing these poses, you can increase the blood flow to the scalp which benefits hair health and growth. 

The three poses that help in hair growth are:

1. Uttanasana 

This pose is known as Standing Forward Bend pose. Stand upright with your feet placed close to each other, and inhale deeply. While exhaling, lift your hands and bend forward to touch the floor or your heels and remain so for a few breaths. It de-stresses you and removes tension, calming your mind, increases blood flow to the scalp and benefits hair growth.

2. Adho Mukha Svasana 

Known as the Downward Facing Dog pose, it is an ideal stress buster. Stand with your feet flat and keep your hands on either side of the body. Place your palms facing towards the thighs and bring the body downwards slowly and let your palms touch the ground. Tuck your stomach in and inhale deeply. It too stimulates blood circulation in head.

3. Sarvangasana 

In this Shoulder Stand pose, you need to lie down on your back, and lift the legs from the floor to make a ninety-degree angle. While breathing out, raise your waist simultaneously while pushing the legs backward beyond the head. This pose helps in fostering blood circulation to the head benefiting hair growth.

Doing these yoga poses daily not only helps in hair growth but also benefits your body by providing their distinctive and exclusive advantages.

Top 5 Super-Foods That Can Reduce Migraine

Intake of certain foods on a daily basis can go a long way in managing the pinching pain migraine headaches passes on to you. Healthy habits, involving discovering and eliminating your triggers, and adhering to the food tips below, can kick start your fight against the recurrent throbbing migraines.

Below listed are the top 5 superfoods to include in your diet to reduce migraine:

1. Mushroom

The edible and fleshy body of the gorgeous mushroom contains riboflavin which improves your brain’s energy metabolism, thereby helping the cells to produce energy. Research has shown that riboflavin, or vitamin B2, can help reduce the incidence of migraines by up to 50%. Intake of about 400 mg of riboflavin a day is good for reducing migraines.

2. Spinach

This green leafy vegetable contains high level of magnesium, particularly valuable for women who get menstrual migraines. Magnesium, often referred to as the ‘anti-stress’ mineral, makes it ideal for relieving from the condition. It is a kind of natural tranquilizer which helps relax muscles. Research has found that 360 mg of magnesium per day can help in decreasing menstrual migraines.

3. Sweet Potato

This sweet root vegetable, is one of the oldest known vegetables to man. They are a rich source of magnesium, and helps in fighting migraine. Cooked sweet potatoes are best for reducing menstrual migraines.

4. Fish

Fishes like salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardine are an abundant source of Omega-3 fatty acids which have been found to reduce migraine pain, due to their anti-inflammatory nature. In addition to cutting back the number of headaches, the high protein and nutrient content in such fishes also promotes optimal health and wellness.

5. Whole grain

Consuming fiber-rich whole grains as part of healthy diet can reduce the risk of migraines. People suffering from migraines may have a genetic defect that makes it difficult for their cells to maintain energy reserves. Whole grains such as brown rice, whole oats, brown bread etc. contain riboflavin which helps in the production of energy.

Above all, people should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and thirst, as these are the key migraine triggering factors. Drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water regularly throughout the day as this will help ensure all your bodily functions operate with efficiency.

Carrot Juice – A Miracle Brew for Health

Due to numerous health benefits, Carrot juice is popularly known as the “miracle juice.” It is one of those miraculous concoctions that is rich in many essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Drinking carrot juice daily is recommended for its incredible goodness as it prevents many health issues.

Explore the amazing health benefits of taking carrot juice on a regular basis:

1. A good weight-loss drink

Carrot juice is very beneficial for weight loss due to its low calories. The fiber content in this juice discourages you from overeating and prevents excess weight-gain.

2. Reduces Cholesterol

Drinking carrot juice is highly recommended for people with cholesterol as the potassium present in the juice can reduce bad cholesterol levels.

3. Prevents Cancer

Carrot juice is rich in Vitamin E & Anti-oxidants and is known to prevent cancer-causing agents. The presence of vital nutrients like vitamin A, C and B-6 fights against harmful free radicals protects the system from radical damage.

4. Improves Digestion

Drinking carrot juice 20 minutes before a meal helps stimulate digestive juices, thereby making it a good appetizer. And since it is rich in fiber, it keeps you feeling full for longer period time.

5. Regulates blood sugar levels

Carrot juice also contains high amounts of carotenoids which have been linked to balancing sugar levels in the body. The low sugar content in carrot juice makes it a perfect drink for people with diabetes.

6. Immunity booster

Carrot juice is enriched with a variety of nutrients and antioxidants along with vitamin C which boosts the immune system.

7. Good for Skin

Carrots are rich in vitamin A and C which helps nourish the skin, prevent dry skin, psoriasis and skin blemishes. Having a glass of carrot juice often prevents wrinkles and fine lines, and leaves a healthy glow to your skin.

8. Fights ageing

The beta-carotenoid when entering the body changes into vitamin A and reduces cell degeneration, slowing down the ageing process of the body. Antioxidant in carrots, along with vitamin C delays skin’s aging.

9. Improves Eye-Sight

Carrot juice is rich in Vitamin A & Beta-carotene which helps improve vision. Carotenoids in this juice prevent several eye diseases. Ensure that you drink the juice of only one or two carrots every day as it is considered as the ideal quantity.


5 Guidelines to Avoid Gaining Weight at Work

Offices don’t make you fat but yes, an inactive desk job and a sedentary work routine and lifestyle surely will!

Here are 5 important guidelines that would help prevent gaining weight at work –

1. Eat smart

Never skip any meals. Make sure you eat healthy snacks at regular intervals. Eating fiber rich diet which includes plenty of greens and fresh vegetables will keep your waistline intact. For evening snacks, have fresh fruits or fruit juices.

2. Walk around

Go for a small stroll after your lunch and then take the stairs instead of the elevator to get back. It recharges your complete physique and also curbs down those excess calories for the day. Also, taking a break every 40 to 45 minutes or so and doing a stretch is recommended. Every little bit of movement count, no matter how insignificant it seems.

3. Drink plenty of water

Make sure a water bottle is always there on your desk and you take sips throughout the day. Water is not only free of calories, but it also kills your appetite in a healthy way. Try and avoid the caffeinated drinks that are high in sugar.

4. Exercise on your chair

Fidgeting at your desk effortlessly torches calories. Stretch at your desk. Get rid of stiffness and boost energy instantly by doing a few exercises right at your desk.


To start with, give these four moves a shot: neck stretch, hip stretch, spine stretch, and side stretch. Try this exercise every now and then – Raise your feet to the level that they are aligned with your knees. Hold for 3-5 seconds and then slowly return to the original position. Do these 5 times for each feet and exercise slowly, feeling the stretch from your thighs to the tip of your toes. This gives a complete stretch to your lower body and spine easing out all the stiff muscles.

  1. Manage Workouts at-least four times a week

Figure out a routine that works for you and make sure you stick to exercises at-least four times a week. Its not necessary you need to wake up early morning for a run, even squeezing few minutes in the gym at evenings will do. This will not only help increase your productivity but also would trim down the excess workplace calories if any.