Sinusitis is the condition characterized by the inflammation of tissues around the sinuses. Sinuses are the air-filled spaces behind the nasal bone, forehead, cheeks and eyes. When these openings are blocked, they become prone to infections. The condition can be triggered by factors including common cold, pollen allergies. The symptoms of acute sinusitis include facial muscle pain, stuffiness of the nose, running nose, loss of smell, congestion, etc.
Ayurveda regards the cause of sinus infections to be an imbalance of PranaVata, a subtype of Vata which governs the brain and head and Shleshaka Kaphawhich governs moisture and lubrication balance. Imbalances of these doshascan block the sinus channels which leads to the imbalance of Pitta that causes sinus inflammation.
Ayurvedic recommendations to manage Sinusitis
• Steam inhalation – Steam act as a decongestant which effectively clears the congestion and reducing sinusitis pain. Adding ginger, eucalyptus oil, cough drops and other medicated herbs to boiling water and inhaling thesteam is extremely beneficial. Inhaling steam can be done multiple times a day for relief. Chronic sinusitis with excessive pain require continuous steam inhalation treatment for at least two years.
• Nasyam – One among the Panchakarma detoxification therapies of Ayurveda, nasyam involves administering medicines through the nostrils. Medicated oils or herbal preparations administered through the nasal passages helps remove the excess humor in sinus cavities which improves the flow of oxygen in the body. This cures the pain associated with sinusitis.
• Jala Neti – It is a yogic purification method which involves purifying the nasal passages with water. Jala neti is a simple technique which is highly recommended for relieving problems associated with sinuses.
• Oil massage – Oil massages pacifies the Vata dosha and prevents the accumulation of Kapha on the face. Use of Mahanarayana oil, sesame oil or Narayana oil is beneficial for sinus. Warm oil is recommended for maximum effectiveness.
• Spices – Drinking water flavoured with spices is another remedy suggested by Ayurveda. Add tulsi leaves, slices of ginger, cloves and mint leaves to water and drink it throughout the day for managing the condition.
• Diet – It is recommended to avoid cold and oily food when suffering from sinusitis. Processes foods, chocolates, alcohol and carbonated drinks are also restricted. It is also advised to increase the intake of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Starting the day with a glass of water with lemon juice is also considered beneficial for sinusitis patients.
Dr. Sandeep Krishna is the fourth generation descendant of the Chingoli family, well known for its century old Ayurvedic heritage. Dr. Krishna is a bachelor’s degree holder (BAMS) in Ayurveda and also did his post-graduation in Panchakarma. Currently serving as Senior Consultant in Krishnendu Ayurveda Hospital And Chingoli Ayurveda Hospital. Dr. Sandeep Krishna is also in charge of administering the ‘International Business and Operations’at Krishnendu Ayurveda Hospital. His enthusiasm and undying commitment towards Ayurveda, enables him to drive the hospital to International fame.
Call for consultation (7pm - 9pm IST): 0091 9544144199
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