Swedana is the fomentation or sudation therapy in Ayurveda involving the procedure to induce sweat or perspiration in the body using steam generated from medicated herbal decoctions. It is one among the preparatory procedures of Panchakarma to open up the channels of the body to aid in the effective elimination of toxins. Fomentation is given after abhyanga or an Ayurvedic full body massage for an enhanced detoxification.
The therapy is highly beneficial for relieving muscular tension and inflammation, promoting blood circulation and to clear the energy passages. Swedana is also recommended for disorders pertaining to the vitiation of Vataand Kapha doshas.
Benefits of Swedana
Swedana is recommended for the following conditions.
Types of Swedana
Ayurveda defines two types of Swedana according to the method employed for inducing perspiration. Bashpa Swedana is a full body steam bath, whereas NadiSwedana is a localized process aimed at inducing perspiration on a specific region of the body.