Cholesterol is essentially a fatty acid produced by the liver which is necessary
for synthesizing hormones, bile acid and vitamin D. And according to
Ayurveda, cholesterol is important for supporting and lubricating various
circulatory channels in the body known as ‘Shrotas’. But an excess of
cholesterol will clog the arteries and leads to various heart problems. The
Ayurvedic approach to balancing cholesterol is not only limited to lowering
the cholesterol levels, but also to balance the overall fat metabolism of the
body with dietary recommendations.
Here are 7 Ayurvedic tips to manage high cholesterol.
 Alfalfa – Alfalfa is hailed for its ability to manage diseases related to
the arteries. It helps clear the arteries that are congested with
cholesterol. Alfalfa can be taken daily as whole or mixed with juice.
 Arjuna – Arjuna is a powerful Ayurvedic herb that is highly
recommended for managing cardiac conditions like blockages, heart
attacks etc. Consuming the bark of the Arjuna tree in the form of
powder is considered beneficial. It also has the ability to dissolve
cholesterol and prevent blocks. It is advised to consume it earlier in the
morning, before breakfast along with lukewarm water.
 Coriander Considered to be one of the best herbal diuretic agents,
coriander helps revitalize the kidneys while also promoting proper
excretion of waste. And hence, the kidneys will also be able flush the
excess cholesterol from the body. Coriander can be added into the daily
diet through cooking as well as garnishing.
 Garlic – Garlic is considered extremely beneficial to counter high
cholesterol. Having two cloves of garlic daily helps neutralize the effect
of high cholesterol in the blood. Another added benefit is its ability to
free up the arteries.
 Guggulu – One of the popular herbs for treating high blood
pressure and high cholesterol in the blood, guggulu contain
guggulsterones that can block bad cholesterol in the blood. Taking 25
mg of guggulu after meals helps reduce high cholesterol.
 Holy basil or Tulsi – It is another traditionally used herb to treat high
cholesterol in the blood stream. Tulsi has the ability to eliminate excess
cholesterol through the kidneys and also to disintegrate cholesterol
from the body. Having 2-3 leaves of tulsi daily is extremely beneficial.
 Fenugreek seeds – Rich in Vitamin E, fenugreek also possess
antidiabetic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The compound
saponin found in fenugreek helps remove cholesterol and its fibre is

beneficial for reducing the synthesis in the liver. Including ½ to one
teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in daily diet is recommended.

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