Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

One of the most elegant yoga poses, Garudasana or the Eagle pose, has numerous health benefits linked to it. The word Garudasana infers “Garuda” in Sanskrit which means Eagle and asana meaning “posture”. Practiced as a full pose, the asana targets all four limbs for strengthening, stretching, and toning. Though mainly known to improve one’s balance, the pose has many other health benefits as well. It is recommended to perform this asana on an empty stomach to avail its numerous health benefits.

Health Benefits

  • Improves sense of balance of the body
  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Helps alleviate sciatica and rheumatism
  • Strengthens leg muscles
  • Stretches thighs, hips, shoulders, and upper back
  • Releases tightness between shoulder blades and across sacrum
  • Loosens and strengthens ankles and hips



  1. Stand erect. Gently bend your right knee, and wrap your left leg around your right, such that the knees are stacked over each other. Your left foot must touch your right shin.
  2. Raise your arms to the shoulder height and wrap your right hand around your left. Ensure that your elbows are bent at 90-degree angles and are also stacked.
  3. Strike a balance in the pose as you gently bring down your hips. Your knees must move towards the midline instead of leaning to one side.
  4. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus on the third eye, and let go of your negative emotions.
  5. Release the pose, switch the limbs, and repeat the pose.


Precautions & Contradictions

  1. It is best to avoid this asana if you have had a recent ankle, knee, or elbow injury.
  2. It is recommended that pregnant women must seek medical consent before they practice this asana.

Beginner’s Tips

  • As beginners, you might also find it hard to latch your raised foot behind the standing leg’s calf. Until you get comfortable, press the big toe of the raised leg instead of the whole foot. This will help you maintain balance.
  • Also, you might find it difficult to tangle your arms around each other. To make it easier, stretch your arms out, such that they are parallel to the floor. Hold onto the ends of a strap. Now, as you hold on to the strap tightly, try and wrap your hands into position.


10 Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder in which the body is unable to make proper use of glucose resulting in the condition called hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar) and glycosuria (Excess glucose in the blood ultimately results in high levels of glucose being present in the urine). According to Ayurveda, Diabetes or Prameha is classified as a major disease that if not treated in time, may lead to several complications in the body, including eye problems, joint pains, heart diseases, nerve damage, impotency, kidney failure and more.

Here are several Ayurvedic home remedies that are found to be very effective in treating diabetes and lowering blood sugar levels:-

  1. Mango Leaves

Boil 15 fresh Mango leaves in 1 glass of water. Leave it overnight. Filter this water and drink it first thing in the morning. Tender mango leaves are very effective to treat diabetes by regulating insulin levels in the blood.

  1. Basil Leaves

Basil leaves (Tulsi) are packed with antioxidants that relieve oxidative stress and have essential oils that help in lowering blood sugar levels in the body. Take 2 tablespoons of juice extracted from basil leaves and drink on an empty stomach in the morning regularly to keep your blood sugar level in control.

  1. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

The Vitamin C present in Indian gooseberry (Amla) promotes proper functioning of the pancreas. Extract the juice from the fruit and take 2 teaspoons of the juice mixed with a glass of water. Consume this drink daily in the morning on an empty stomach to keep your blood sugar level in control.


Take two teaspoons of Amla juice with a pinch turmeric powder early in the morning regularly.

  1. Fenugreek Seeds
    Fenugreek seedsare a rich source of fiber useful for controlling diabetes. The fenugreek seeds can be soaked in water overnight and should be taken early in the morning before your breakfast. The seeds can also be powdered and mixed with milk. Repeat this remedy daily for few months to control blood sugar levels.
  2. Bitter Gourd

Juice of Bitter gourd/Karela (30 ml) should be taken on empty stomach daily in the early morning to control your diabetes.

  1. Cinnamon powder

This is one of the important natural home remedies for Diabetes.

First take one litre of drinkable water. Add 3-4 tbsp. of cinnamon powder and heat it for 20 minutes. Strain the mixture and make it cool. Drink it every day!

  1. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are useful in preventing and controlling diabetes as they have anti-diabetic properties.

Simply chew about 10 fresh curry leaves daily in the morning. For best results, continue this treatment for three to four months. It also helps reduce high cholesterol levels and obesity.

  1. Ladies Finger

Okra, also called ladies’ finger, has constituents such as polyphenolic molecules that can help reduce blood glucose levels and control diabetes.

Cut off the ends of few okras and prick them in several places using a fork. Soak the okras in a glass of water overnight. In the morning, discard the okras and drink the water on an empty stomach. Do this daily for several weeks to control your blood sugar levels.

  1. Tulsi

Tulsi is packed with antioxidants and have essential oils that help lower blood sugar levels. Drink 2 tablespoons of juice extracted from the sacred tulsi on an empty stomach every morning.

  1. Drumstick Leaves

Drumstick leaves are believed to be a store house of medicinal properties that can cure many diseases. The consumption of leaves can keep the blood sugar levels in control and purify blood. Take a handful of tender drumstick leaves, blend them in a mixer and drink the juice every morning regularly.


Prevention of diabetes is very important. Following the above home remedies, few simple lifestyle changes, eating a healthy diet and practising yoga regularly can help to manage the blood sugar levels at ease!


Ayurvedic Tretament and Home remedies for Psoriasis


Psoriasis is a non-infectious, acute inflammatory condition that appears on the skin. It’s an auto-immune disorder that causes rapid skin cell reproduction resulting in red, dry patches of thickened skin. Common symptoms of Psoriasis include itching and burning, thickening and reddening of the skin and the development of silver-coloured scales. More severe cases of psoriasis can also lead to blistering, severe shedding of skin in the affected area and skin lesions.


According to Ayurveda, diet and food is a major cause of the energy imbalance that leads to psoriasis. Vata, the energy that controls bodily functions, and kapha, the energy that controls growth, can become imbalanced due to unhealthy food choices, improper food combinations and doshi vishas, or toxins that accumulate in your digestive tract, resulting in psoriasis.


  1. PLAGUE PSORIASIS – In this type of psoriasis, there are red lesions covered with silvery white scales. These scales itch and become sore. They usually occur on the elbow, knees and lower back.
  2. SCALP PSORIASIS – Red, itchy scalp plagues. They are usually found on the back of the head and cause excessive itching cause accompanied with hair loss.
  3. NAIL PSORIASIS – In nail psoriasis, the nails become yellow in colour and characterised by nail pits; accumulation of thickened skin below the nail etc. There are lines running across the nail with loosening of the nail bed, inflammation, secondary infection, and sometimes even haemorrhage and pus collection below the nail.
  4. GUTTATE PSORIASIS – The plagues are small and widespread and occur more commonly on the chest and legs. These do not occur on the soles of feet and palms
  5. INVERSE PSORIASIS – There is no scaling in this type of psoriasis. Instead of scales, smooth, bright red, smoothened patches of skin are formed. There can be pain and itching on the skin. The areas affected are folds of skin in areas like buttocks, groin, in between breast. Sweat aggravates such cases.


  1. Increased intake of Salty foods, Fermented foods, Spicy foods, Maida (Refined flour), Bakery products, Junk foods and Fast foods, refrigerated and cold foods etc. may contribute to psoriasis.
  2. Unhealthy Eating (Irregular food habits) and Sedentary Lifestyle
  3. Excessive Mental and Physical Stress


There are many effective Ayurveda remedies to manage and treat psoriasis and give relief from its symptoms. As Psoriasis according to Ayurveda is associated with the toxins in the body, the major step towards treatment is to regain the lost balance by detoxifying the body. This is achieved by the efficacious Panchakarma treatments of Ayurveda especially Medicated Enema, Vamana and Virechana. In the case of scalp psoriasis Shirodhara with medicated oils is also a very effective treatment. Apart from the core treatments, lifestyle management, diet management, stress management and counselling also form the focal base of the treatment cycle. Yoga asanas as instructed by a Yoga expert and regular exercises is also very important in managing Psoriasis.

. The schedule is as follows.

  • Consumption of medicated ghee, considering the Dosha type of the Psoriasis and the person, for 5 to 7 days.
  • Detoxifying, by inducing vomiting (Vamana) and purgation (Virechana).
  • This is followed by medicated buttermilk dripping overhead ,Thakra Dahara
  •  Basthi (medicated enemas) are being done for stipulated days and internal medicines like herbal decoctions and medicated ghee has to be consumed for at least 90 days.

Psoriasis Diet: A strict diet regime has to be followed during the entire treatment period and it is better to continue as vegetarian. Yogurt, black gram, chilies and salted thing have to be restricted. It is better to avoid refrigerated/chilled foods.

Psoriatic patient must keep a state of mental calmness.




There are some easy Home remedies that help to provide relief in management as well as help in treating the condition of psoriasis.

  1. Powder few almonds and boil thoroughly in water. Apply this paste on affected areas and let it remain overnight. Next morning, wash it off with water.
  2. Boil one teaspoonful sandalwood powder in three cups of water until it is reduced to one cup. Add a little rose water and sugar and take thrice a day.
  3. Grind a handful of fresh jasmine flowers and apply the paste on the affected areas.
  4. Drink fresh cabbage juice (1/2 cup) everyday, which will ensure faster recovery from the condition.
  5. Take four marigold flower heads and boil them in four cups of water. Once cooled, apply on affected parts.
  6. Take fresh cabbage leaves and apply them over the affected skin. This is also one of the very effective home remedies for psoriasis.


12 Most Significant Health Benefits of Pranayama

Pranayama, the vital part of the yogic science can be called as the art of breathing for healthy living for the miraculous health benefits it proffers.

The three simple steps of Pranayama include Puraka (Inhalation), Kumbhaka (Retention) and Recaka (Exhalation). Slow and deep inhalation helps in the intake of enough oxygen for the body followed by total retention of the inhaled oxygen, which enables the system to acquire it. The final step is exhalation that is done through lungs or abdomen, where the impurities from your body are exhaled out.
The most significant health benefits of Pranayama according to Ayurveda are –

  1. Improves Cardiovascular health

As Pranayama increases the blood circulation and oxygen capacity of the blood, it helps improving the cardiovascular function of your body if practiced regularly.

  1. Reduces risk of Hypertension

Pranayama allows the body to relax and be free of stress and tensions which helps in bringing down hypertension.

  1. Improves Lung function

This is one of the most important health benefits of pranayama. Pranayama is the best breathing technique to get your lungs functioning properly. It is very useful for people who have breathing problems or asthma.

  1. Treats Depression

The health benefits of pranayama are extended to mental strength also. Practicing pranayama regularly will help treat depression and anxiety.

  1. Weight loss

Health benefits of pranayama are not limited to the proper functioning of your internal organs. It can also help to reduce your body weight if practised regularly.

  1. Detoxification

Pranayama is an excellent method to remove all accumulated toxins from your body. Among the many methods in yoga for the detoxification of our body, Pranayama is the most popular one.

7. Strengthens Immune system

Strengthening the immune system is one of the most important health benefits of pranayama.

  1. Cures Digestive problems

Practicing Pranayama daily helps in alleviating digestive problems and also helps reduce bloating.

  1. Fight Sinusitis

Treating sinusitis is one of the most important health benefits of pranayama. Practising the pranayama technique known as Bhastrika is the best option to treat or prevent sinusitis.

  1. Clears Nasal passages

Pranayama helps in clearing out the nasal passages and stuffy noses.

  1. Improves Mental Concentration

Increased mental concentration is one of the most important health benefits of pranayama.

  1. Good for Skin health

Regular Pranayama can remove the blemishes and wrinkles from the skin and provide fresh oxygen making your skin glow in health.



Five Basic Types of Pranayamas


  1. Bhastrika Pranayama

In this pranayama, body gets the maximum amount of oxygen due to complete inhaling and exhaling.


  1. Sit comfortably on a flat ground.
  2. Take a deep breath through both nostrils and fill the lungs with air and then exhale completely with a hissing sound.
  3. Repeat


  1. Kapalbhati Pranayama

This Pranayama is very effective in curing stomach disorder, obesity, digestive disorder and many problems related to stomach.


  1. Sit on a flat floor folding your legs, keeping the spine straight and close the eyes.
  2. Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
  3. Now take a deep breath and exhale with all your force so your stomach will go deep inside.
  4. When you exhale with hissing sound try to think that your disorders are coming out of your nose.
  5. Do not stress on inhaling. Inhalation should not involve any effort. Inhaling will be done automatically after each exhaling.


  1. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

This pranayama is one of the excellent breathing exercises which is also known as Anulom Vilom Pranayama. Regular practice offers an energy boost in the body and releases stress and anxiety. It should be practiced in the morning in fresh air with empty stomach.


  1. Sit comfortably on flat ground.
  2. Now close right nostril with right thumb and breathe from left nostril. Then close left nostril with middle and ring finger and breathe out from right nostril.
  3. Now closing in the left nostril breathe in deeply with right nostril and then close right nostril and breathe out deeply with left nostril. Do the repetition.


4. Bhramari Pranayama


Bhramari pranayama is the excellent breathing exercise which plays an important role in releasing agitation, frustration and anger. It is the best breathing exercise in calming your mind.


  1. Sit comfortably on a flat ground.
  2. Place your index fingers on the forehead and with the remaining fingers close your eyes.
  3. Start inhaling through both the nostril deeply and slowly.
  4. By keeping mouth close, exhale by making a humming sound like “hmmmm”. While making humming sound say ‘Om’ in soft humming sound.
  5. Repeat


  1. Sheetali Pranayama

Sheeta means cooling, which is exactly the effect of this pranayama. It’s a great pranayama pose for stress, anxiety and tension.


  1. Sit in a comfortable position with the back and head erect, hands on the knees in Jnana mudra and eyes closed.
  2. Make a puckered circle with your mouth then stick out your tongue and curl the edges inwards to form a tube.
  3. Inhale slowly and deeply through the tube as if sucking air through a straw to the count of 4.
  4. Fill up your abdomen and chest to full capacity.
  5. Retain the breath.
  6. Straighten your head and exhale through the nostrils until all air is expelled
  7. Repeat



KARKIDAKA KANJI – Importance and Uses

Karkidakam, the Malayalam month that falls between Mid-July and Mid-August is known, not only

for the unending downpours but also for being the month of effective Ayurvedic treatments and

therapeutic health care regimens, as the body is considered highly receptive to Ayurveda treatments

during this period. Ayurveda therapies undergone helps an individual to go through the rest of the

year by having a rejuvenated and strengthened body & mind. The therapies during this season not

only neutralizes many diseases caused by the change in climatic conditions, but also helps in

avoiding health problems that spring from the modern way of life and faulty eating habits. Ayurvedic

oil therapies, those prescribed under the Panchakarma treatment and a therapeutic Ayurveda diet

are recommended during this season for cleansing the body system.

Karkidaka kanji (the medicinal porridge) is one of the special therapeutic Ayurvedic diets that is

prescribed during the Karkidakam season to overcome many diseases caused during the monsoon

and to improve the immunity of one’s body. The gruel not only cleans the body from the inside but

also aids in good digestion. It is also very effective for improving immunity if taken in a proper


It is recommended that one should have this ‘medicinal porridge’ continuously for 7 days or

multiplies of the week like 2 weeks (14 days), 3 weeks (21 days) etc. for optimum result.

Health Benefits

1. Good for diabetes

2. Reduces cholesterol

3. Good for arthritis

4. Aids digestion

5. Removes toxins from the body

6. Improves Immunity

7. Provides energy


Ancient scriptures available does not suggest a strict guideline on the recipe of Karkidaka kanji,

depending on the health condition of an individual, other Ayurvedic ingredients like Drumstick

leaves, green-gram, Boerhavia etc. can be added to the basic recipe given below.


• 100gm Njavara rice

• 25gm fenugreek seeds

• 5gm dried ginger powder

• 5gm crushed pepper

• 5gm Jeera

• 5gm turmeric powder

• 5gm garlic

• 5gm carom seeds

• ¼ cup coconut milk


1. Wash the rice and boil it in 1 litre water.

2. Add fenugreek seeds and continue boiling.

3. Once boiled, pour in the coconut milk, wait till it starts to boil again, and immediately take off the


4. Add the rest of the spices, mix-well and keep covered for a while.

5. Serve hot.

 For Diabetics – Add Uluva and Cherupayar (Green-gram) to the above recipe.

 For Hypertensive Patients – Add Thazuthamma (Boerhavia) and Muringila (Drumstick leaves)

to the above recipe.

 For Asthma Patients – Add Putharichunda (Solanum trilobatum), Jirakam (Jeera), Kurunthotti

(Country Mallow), Chukku to the above recipe.

 For Hyperlipidaemia Patients – Add Thazuthamma (Boerhavia), Curry leaves, Muthira (Horse

gram), Uluva to the above recipe.

 For Patients with Renal Complaints – Add Thazuthamma (Boerhavia) to the above recipe.

Now Loose your weight at the Best Ayurveda Slimming Clinic Kerala, India

krishnendu Ayurveda rated Best Ayurveda Slimming Clinic in Kerala, India 

Krishnendu has a tradition since 1908, and run by a 4th generation ayurveda doctors.And has been rated as one of the best centres in India to provide slimming solutions by offering a harmonious blend of the latest scientific technologies along with traditional ayurveda techniques and also nutritional and lifestyle Counselling and thus provides result in a very natural and healthy way and has Absolutely no compromise on  quality.

Only high quality ayurveda medicines are prepared utilising authentic and traditional  formulae passed down from generations.

The main treatment for obesity consists of  


Weight loss programs focused only at lowering your weight,only  offer short term solutions to dealing with weight loss. Only a permanent change in lifestyle can lead to lifelong wellness.

Krishnendu helps a complete turnaround in lifestyle that helps you to make healthier choices.  After a  physicians consultation,he  analyzes the complete medical background of individuals in order to achieve effective and sustained weight loss.


 The centre has its own ayurvedic cafeteria which provides nutritious and healthy veg /Non veg food.Special individualised diet shall be prescribed after a detailed consultation with the doctor.

Physical exercise-

The centre has Yoga sessions daily at 7am which helps for the body and mind  wellbeing. Then there is a multi gym  where a physio therapist shall explain the different exercise you should follow depending up on your built and strength.

The centre has a swimming pool where special Aquatic exercise is carried out,this is very effective  you will not only  receive a great cardio workout, but you might be surprised by the strength training benefits you can gain from using the water as resistance.

A walking trail is also there at the centre in which 5 rounds make a kilometre, can utilise it accordingly.

Ayurveda Therapy –

The Centre provide specialised ayurvedic treatments externally as well as internally.

Internally which helps to  regulate the body metabolism and 

Externally with specialised therapeutic massages to reduce cellulite  and tone up the muscles.

Spot Reduction which helps in inch loss over abdomen,thigh,arms etc  as well as weight loss.Using international equipments which is non invasive and proven with no side effects.

Acupressure is also available which helps stimulate weightless.This is carried out Internationally  trained therapists.

We at krishnendu has treated more than 1000 obesity cases successfully.

with all the 6 parameters mentioned above a very scientific and systematic weight loss is attained with less rebound effects and there by helps in leading a leading a happy, healthy and stress free life.

tips -Ayurveda Treatment For Weight Loss

Best Asana For Your Back Muscles

“Dhanurasana ” (The Bow Pose).

Dhanurasana, the basic posture of Hatha yoga is tagged as the Yogic Bow Pose as it resembles a bow when it is performed (“Dhanur” means Bow in sanskrit). Though this famous asana is beneficial for the whole body in numerous ways, the focal point of concentration is the spinal column. In this yoga pose, body and the legs take the shape of the bow, while the hands look like the string.


1. Gives flexibility to the back.
2. Strengthens back muscles and improves the posture.
3. Relieves back pain.
4. Exceptionally effective in weight loss.
5. Cures constipation and removes excess fat
6. Acts as a cure for dyspepsia, rheumatism and gastro intestinal disorders.
7. Improves digestion and appetite.
8. It is especially beneficial to women as it alleviates the menstrual disorders and improves the reproductive system.
9. Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
10. Acts as an excellent stress reliever.
11. Strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.

This asana also increases energy and counteracts depression. It activates the pancreas and is beneficial for diabetes too.

How to do it?

1. Lie on the ground (on stomach) facing downwards.
2. Relax completely with 2-3 breaths.
3. Inhale slowly and start bending your legs backwards and catch the ankles with the hands as shown.
4. Push your feet away from the head and raise your upper body. Hold the pose for a few seconds, breathing normally. (You will now observe that your body is now in the shape of a bow). In this position your whole weight will come on your abdomen. Only your stomach and pelvic area will touch the ground.
5. Now after 15-20 seconds exhale slowly and come back to the starting position.
6. Repeat this cycle for 4- 5 times daily.

Initially, you will find it easier to lift your knees with legs apart (one leg a time); as you grow on flexibility, aim to perform the Bow with legs together.

NOTE: If you are suffering from high Blood pressure, severe back pain, hernia, migraine or any recent surgery, consult your physician before practicing ‘DHANURASANA’.


6 Best Yoga Poses for Lean Legs

For many, gaining weight is a huge deal. And there are certain prominent regions like thighs, hips and waist that can easily attract more fat accumulation than the other regions.

At times, Lower-body fat in your thighs, hips, and buttocks could also be more than just a cosmetic nuisance; it could be a sign of a larger medical condition. So it becomes very important that we focus on these areas first.

Here are few yoga moves that will lengthen and strengthen your legs effectively and have you feeling great about putting them on display.


This asana will require immense stamina and you may experience pain in your legs in the initial first practices. However, by doing it regularly, you will gain flexibility and the pain will soon fade away –

• Start by standing with your feet together.
• While inhaling, raise your hands over your head.
• Moreover, bend your knees slightly and dip into a squat while exhalation.
• Remain in this position for 30-60 seconds and again come back to the standing position.
• Beginners can do it for ten times and increase the counts as you get into practice.
• Chair pose is really helpful because it strengthens your thigh muscles and tones down the extra fat.


This pose increases your stamina like a warrior and strengthens your legs too.

• Stand straight with your feet apart.
• Now shift your left foot to the side such that there is a three to four feet distance between both the legs.
• Keeping your left foot straight; rotate it to your left side entirely where your right foot rotates slightly.
• Now spin your torso to your left side making sure your legs are in the same position.
• Bend the knee of your left leg; carry your torso forward to the left side where you raise both your hands above your head in a Namaste.
• Breathe here for 5 deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.


• Start off by standing in Warrior pose position.
• Now gently arch your torso backwards and place your left hand over the back of your left leg.
• Raise the right hand over your head and hold for five breaths while repeating with the other side.


• Lie down with your back on the ground with stretched legs and bend your legs at the knees with your feet grounded.
• Place your hands by your side with palms facing the ground.
• Now lift up your hips off the ground towards the ceiling, letting your hands and feet to be on the ground.
• Hold this position by lifting your hands over your head.
• To bring a little variation to this asana, lift up one of your legs in the air, hold it for some time, and repeat it with the other leg too.


• Sit on the floor with your knees bent so that both the soles of your feet are facing each other.
• Keep your spine elongated ensuring that your posture is straight.
• Press the soles of your feet together and hold this pose for a minute.


• Lie down with your belly on the ground and place hands by your side with palms facing the ceiling.
• As you inhale, lift up your legs and your upper torso and support yourself on the abdomen.
• Hold this position for a few breaths and then release.


Acidity is referred as Amla Pitta in Ayurveda,it can strike at any time and any place. It is diagnosed by discomfort near the chest and can cause significant distress. The symptoms of acid reflux include bloating, sour feeling in the food passage, flatulence, etc.

If you suffer from it often, here are some simple yet effective home remedies that will help:-

#1: Tulsi
Tulsi leaves help stimulate your stomach to produce more mucous and also has anti-ulcer properties and reduces the effect of gastric acids. Chewing on five to six tulsi leaves when you suffer from acidity is a great way to beat the discomfort you feel.

#2: Bananas
You could eat an overripe banana to beat an especially bad bout of acidity, as they tend to contain more potassium.Also having a ripe banana will provide you some relief from acidic problems as they are a rich source of Potassium.

#3: Jeera
It has properties that stimulate the production of saliva which helps in better digestion, improves metabolism and relieves gas and other gastric troubles. You can chew a few seeds of Jeera to relieve acidity or boil it in water and drink the solution when it has cooled down.

#4: Cold milk
Milk has a high amount of calcium that helps prevent acid build up, and absorbs the excess acid produced, thereby reducing the symptoms of acidity. The fact that it is cold also provides instant relief from the burning sensation one feels during acid reflux. But while drinking it, don’t mix any additives like sugar.

#5: Cloves
Clove embraces calmative properties and helps improve peristalsis (the movement of food down the stomach). Bite a clove once so that the juice is released and then keep it in the mouth. The slowly released juice will immediately lower acid reflux and give you some relief.
#6: Mint leaves or Pudina
If you feel an acidity attack coming on, chop some mint leaves, add them to a pot of boiling water and drink the liquid after it cools. Mint helps in lowering the acid content of the stomach and improves digestion. It also has a cooling effect which helps to reduce the pain and burning associated with acid reflux.

#7: Ginger
For relief from acidity, chew a small piece of ginger. If you find that too pungent, try boiling it in water and drink the decoction. Another remedy is to crush ginger, mix it with a small piece of Jaggery and keeping sucking on it allowing the juice to slowly reach the stomach.
The root is known to improve digestion and aid in better absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients. It also protects your stomach against ulcers by promoting mucus secretion and reducing the effect of the acid on your stomach.

#8: Amla
Have one teaspoon of Amla powder twice a day to help keep acidity at bay. Amla is a kapha and pitta pacifier apart from having high amounts of vitamin C that helps in healing the injured stomach lining and Esophagus.

#9: Elaichi or Cardamom
To relieve acidity crush two pods of cardamom (with or without the skin), boil the powder in water and drink the cooled juice for instant relief. Known to balance all the three doshas – kapha, pitta and vata according to Ayurvedic texts, Elaichi is known to stimulate digestion and relieve stomach spasms.

#10: Tender Coconut Water
Having a dose of 100 to 500 ml twice a day is a best and quick relieving home remedy for the Acid reflux and heartburn.

Other than these, Fruits that will help you in getting relief from acidity are cucumber, watermelon, papaya, and banana. Also you need to drink a minimum of 2 litres of water daily and practice moderate exercises regularly so that your mind and body stays healthy.