Ayurvedic treatment and simple home remedies for peptic ulcers

Ayurveda regards Ama as the root cause of all disorders and signifies the importance of healthy digestion in ensuring a holistic health. The smooth functioning of the stomach and the digestive tract thus plays a vital role in our overall health. Ulcers are often regarded as a common digestive disorder that can cause serious harm to the digestive process as well as the organs involved in digesting food and assimilating nutrients. Peptic or gastric ulcers are erosions or sores that occur on the stomach lining or duodenum which marks the starting of small intestine. These lesions form from the break of the skin or the mucous membrane that lines the stomach.

Causes of peptic ulcers

Bacterial infection is often held responsible for causing ulcers in the stomach or duodenum. Other risk factors for developing ulcers include,

Irritation of the mucosa
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Recurrent attacks of hyperacidity
Excess intake of spicy, oily and fatty foods

Signs and symptoms

Burning sensation in the chest and upper part of stomach
Nausea or vomiting
Internal bleeding which can result in blood in vomit or black stools
Weight loss
Loss of appetite

Ayurveda and ulcers

Ayurveda regards the most common causes of ulcers as a combination of Vataand Pitta provoking factors. Vata type ulcers occur due to the dryness of the mucous membranes lining the stomach and small intestine. The dry membrane fails to protect the underlying tissue from the acid present in the digestive system which results in the acids burning the tissue causing hyperacidity at first and ulceration gradually. Pitta type ulcers result from excess acid secretions that overwhelm the mucous secretions of the intestinal lining which leads to hyperacidity and ulceration.

Ayurvedic treatments for peptic ulcers include purification through Panchakarma, administering rasayanas, therapies to treat inflammation and hyperacidity and antibacterial therapies along with diet regulations. Most Ayurvedic physicians takes into consideration the body type of the person before formulating a treatment module. Medicated enema of sesame oil and asparagus oil is recommended for Vata, while enema using amalaki is used for Pitta. For Kapha type, vomiting is induced with sugarcane juice or salt water.

Home remedies to manage peptic ulcers

Aloe Vera is considered an effective remedy that can cure stomach ulcers. Consuming Aloe vera gel directly from the plant or drinking fresh aloe vera juice is beneficial.
Honey possess natural healing and curative properties which help treat ulcers. Have one teaspoon of honey once a day.
Vitamin K should be included in the daily diet in form of egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, cheese, tomatoes, etc. to prevent the bleeding from ulcers which may gradually lead to anaemia.
Add barley water, watermelon and peach in daily diet.
Boil water with a cup of fenugreek leaves, mix in a pinch of salt and drink twice a day.
Meditation and yoga is highly recommended to reduce stress and to promote fast healing.

10 Home remedies to manage Oedema

Oedema is characterized by the swelling in the body following an injury or inflammation. The condition occurs due to the additional fluid build-up in the tissues. Even though it can affect any part of the body, occurrence is most common in legs and hands. Deficiency of albumin, allergy, blood clot, health conditions affecting heart and liver, head injury, pregnancy, etc. can result oedema.

Following are 10 home remedies that help manage oedema.

Green tea – The diuretic properties of the green tea speeds up the process of metabolizing the extra fluids in the body. Drink green tea mixed with honey twice or thrice daily for the above said benefits.
Turmeric – The anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties of the compound curcumin in turmeric is therapeutic to the swelling and pain associated with the condition. Mix turmeric in a glass of warm water or milk and drink it or apply the paste of turmeric and water in the affected area every morning and night for relief.
Flax seeds – A rich source of omega 3 fatty acids which help eliminate toxins from the body, flax seeds help treat oedema by addressing the root cause of the condition. Mix crushed flax seeds in a glass of warm water and drink it twice daily.
Mustard oil – The medicinal and health benefits associated with mustard help improve blood circulation while also relieving oedema-related pain. Massage warm mustard oil on the affected area twice daily.
Coriander seeds – The seeds are rich in potassium which has diuretic as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help treat oedema. Boil water with coriander seeds and reduce the mixture to half the quantity. Strain the water and drink it for relief.
Ginger – The compounds in ginger contain anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties which treats the symptoms of oedema. Water boiled with a small piece of ginger or chewing a piece of ginger or drinking warm milk mixed with a teaspoon of dried ginger powder is considered beneficial.
Castor oil – It can stimulate blood flow and promote healing of skin. The swelling and inflammation that accompanies oedema can be treated with the anti-inflammatory properties in it. Massage castor oil on the affected areas to reduce swelling.
Epsom salt bath – The salt is beneficial for reducing any swelling or inflammation in the body. Dissolve epsom salt in bath water and soak and relax in it or mix epsom salt in a bucket of warm water and soak swollen legs in it.
Massage Massaging is an effective method for boosting blood circulation in the body which in turn treats oedema. Use essential oils or coconut oil for gently massaging the affected area.
Hot and cold compresses – When a hot compress is applied on the affected part, it promotes blood flow that reduces the pain and inflammation. And when a cold compress is applied, it numbs the affected area to reduce the swelling.

7 tips to take care of your feet during monsoon


Monsoon season characterized by the wet and damp climate calls for extensive care of our foot. Trudging through floods and walking through dirty water make our feet prone to accumulation of dirt, fungal infections and skin problems. Ayurveda regards foot care to be a regimen that transcends cosmetic purposes and benefits the nervous system in a great extent.

Here are effective tips foot care in the monsoon season.

Keep your feet clean and dry – Ensure that your feet is kept dry at all times as wetness especially between the toes can result in fungal infections. Also, the continuous exposure to water can make the feet soggy and prone to cracks. Trimming toenails is also vital to prevent the accumulation of dirt and germs.
Comfortable footwear Prefer open footwear like flip flops or sandals which let the feet breathe. Tight and closed shoes when wet can be the breeding ground of bacteria and fungus.
Exfoliate – Removing dead skin from the feet is important to prevent them from hardening up and causing cracks. Use a foot scrubber or a pumice stone to exfoliate your feet daily.
Moisturize The damp atmosphere is no reason for the skin to be left dehydrated. Moisturise your feet after bath in the morning and before bed at night. Olive oil and almond oil are effective natural moisturisers.
Dry the footwear – Wet footwear should be kept in the sun and allowed to dry properly before using again. They should not be stored under the bed or in the shoe cupboard as the damp environment and the dark canattract fungus and bacteria.
Foot bath – Ensure proper foot care with an herbal foot bath once in a week. Mix in sea salt to a bucket of warm water and soak your feet in it.Then scrub the feet using a pumice stone to exfoliate. Adding rose water or aromatic oils to the water is also beneficial.
Foot massage – Ayurveda highly recommends foot massages for overall health as it helps improve blood and lymph circulation, detoxifies the body, balances the doshas and promotes a healthy nervous system.  

Simple home remedies to fight dandruff


Dandruff, one among the most common scalp disorders, is the accumulation of dead skin cells as white flakes on the scalp. It is also the most common reason for hair fall in many. The causes of dandruff include dry skin, increases intake of dry, cold and spicy foods, environmental allergens, excess usage of hair styling products, etc.

According to Ayurveda, the aggravation of the Vata and Pitta doshas produces impurities which later gets accumulated in the deep tissues of scalp and causes dandruff. The Ayurvedic approach to treating dandruff involves pacifying the doshas and cleansing the body off impurities.

Here are some easy Ayurvedic remedies for dandruff.

Hibiscus and amla – Mix equal quantities of hibiscus flower, amla and tulsi leaves with 4 times sesame oil and 8 times coconut water. Cook the mixture until the complete water content is evaporated and strain it to obtain the oil. Apply the oil on scalp for relief from dandruff.
Coconut oil and lemon – Mix juice of a lemon with coconut oil and apply on scalp. Wash with shampoo after half an hour.
Camphor and coconut oil – Mix a small amount of camphor in coconut oil and apply on scalp before going to bed. Camphor helps reduce dandruff while also cooling down the scalp.
Curd and lemon – Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bowl of curd and apply on scalp. The lemon works against the dandruff, while the curd moisturizes the scalp and keeps it cool.
Almond oil and olive oil Mix almond oil and olive oil and apply on scalp. Both these oils have hair nourishing qualities and are effective against dandruff.
Vinegar and hot water – Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of hot water. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and dab it on the scalp. Vinegar helps eliminate dandruff as well as conditions the hair.
Amla paste – Make a paste out of amla powder, tulsi leaves and water and apply on the head thoroughly. Let it sit for around 30 minutes before rinsing with plain water.
Aloe vera gel Aloe vera gel is an excellent remedy for dandruff. Spread the gel over the hair and leave it overnight. Shampoo the hair next day morning.
Fenugreek seeds – Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and make a paste out of it the next morning. Apply this on the hair and scalp and rinse off after 30-45 minutes. Along with treating dandruff, fenugreek seeds are also effective for hair loss.

4 Ayurvedic herbs for blood purification

Ayurveda recommends cleansing the blood as a healthy measure against the toxin build-up and to boost immunity, improve heart health and prevent diseases. The ancient science also advises the use of herbs that can extract the toxins from the bloodstream and help regulate the functioning of the organs.

Following are the Ayurvedic herbs recommended for blood purification.


Neem is a considered an excellent blood cleanser and is used in treating ailments that require the detoxification of the bloodstream. The herb is also effective in detoxifying the liver and the biliary tree for a myriad of health benefits. Neem also helps fight blood clot and is also used to treat various skin ailments, ulcers, arthritis, etc.


It is an astringent and bitter herb with cooling properties that help dissolve the barriers in blood flow. Manjishta also helps get rid of stagnant blood and eliminate toxins from the bloodstream. Regulating blood glucose levels is another health benefit offered by this herb.


With the ability to balance the three doshas, guduchi is a powerful Ayurvedic herb that helps in blood cleanse. The herb aids in the elimination of toxins accumulated from the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. It is also beneficial in controlling the uric levels in blood and strengthening the urinary system which ultimately promotes the proper elimination of toxins from the blood stream.


The juice of amla acts as a blood purifier by assisting in flushing out the toxins from the body, improving the quality of blood and promoting blood circulation. Regular intake of amla juice is considered beneficial for increasing the haemoglobin and red blood cell counts.

8 Home remedies to help treat bloating

Bloating is one of the most common digestive issues faced by many daily. A condition where the tissues lining the stomach is bloated or enlarged, bloating manifests with a feeling of having pumped air into the stomach. Most common causes of bloating include foods that produce gas, indigestion, change in diet, irregular eating habits, constipation, certain medications, etc.

Following are effective home remedies which combat bloating and fights its symptoms.

Fennel seeds – Known for their digestive properties, fennel seeds contain compounds with antispasmodic properties that help relieve gas and abdominal bloating. Add fennel seeds in your cooking or chew half a teaspoon of fennel seeds daily or drink tea made with hot water, crushed fennel seeds and honey regularly to prevent bloating.
Ginger – Ginger is also highly recommended for digestive issues due to their ability to expel gas and relieve cramps as well as indigestion. Make ginger tea by boiling water with ginger slices. Drink the strained tea daily with honey to bring down symptoms of bloating.
Pumpkin – A natural source of fiber and potassium, pumpkin helps reduce bloating by acting on the excess sodium in the body which causes gas formation in the stomach. Eat cooked pumpkin daily or include pumpkin in your daily food preparation.
Warm lemon water – Lemon exhibit mild laxative properties when combined with warm water. This help reduce the amount of salt in the body and treats salt-induced bloating.
Castor oil – As constipation can also be one of the causes for bloating, using a laxative like castor oil is beneficial. Add one teaspoon of castor oil to a cup or any fruit juice, mix well and consume immediately before the oil settles down.
Green tea – Rich in antioxidants and a natural diuretic, green tea help increase urine output and thus eliminates the excess water in the body and relieve bloating caused by water retention. Drink green tea daily with honey to ease gas build-up and other digestive problems.
Coconut oil –The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil is beneficial for intestine and treats symptoms of bloating. Have one tablespoon of coconut oil or add it in your daily food preparations like salads or juices.
Yogurt – A natural probiotic that helps increase the levels of healthy bacteria in the stomach, having yogurt daily will help enhance digestion which in turn reduce abdominal bloating.

7 Foods that help promote digestion

Today’s hectic lifestyle coupled with unhealthy food habits and the excessive intake of fast foods and processed foods have made many victims of indigestion and associated digestive issues. A healthy diet is vital for maintain a healthy digestive system which enhances nutrient absorption and strengthens the immunity.

Here are seven foods that help improve digestion and promotes good digestive health.


Packed with vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, apples are ideal for promoting digestive health. The antioxidant property of the fruit help reduce the damage and inflammation to the digestive organs. Apples also enhances digestion due to the presence of pectin which promotes the growth of good bacteria in the stomach.


Cucumber possess high fiber as well as water content which is beneficial in preventing constipation and aiding in smooth bowel movements. The antioxidants in cucumber also prevent toxic accumulation which can cause indigestion and stomach infections.


Papaya contains elements that have antimicrobial properties and also help in digestion by breaking down the food. It is also a rich source of Vitamins A, B and C which aid in eliminating toxins for promoting digestive health.


Rich in fiber and pectin, bananas help improve bowel movement while also aiding in digesting carbohydrates. Adding a banana daily to your diet either in breakfast or as a smoothie is highly beneficial.


Ginger is highly recommended for digestive health. It also has a positive effect on enzymes that help break down fast and proteins. Chew a small piece of ginger with little salt in the morning or add ginger to fruit juices or food to include it in your diet.


Cumin possesses antioxidant and antimicrobial properties and is also an appetite stimulant. The phytochemical thymol in cumin help stimulate secretion of acids, bile and enzymes which promote healthy digestion. Also, the essential oils, sodium and magnesium in cumin aid in relieving stomach ache.


Fennel helps treat common digestive issues like indigestion, flatulence, bloating, stomach ache, etc. Fennel seeds also help stimulate secretion of digestive juices which aids in nutrient absorption. The compound found in fennel seeds help relax the lining of digestive tract and help cleanse the colon.



7 Common kitchen ingredients to strengthen brittle nails

Brittle, dry or splitting nails are a common health problem affecting both men and women alike. Aging, frequent exposure to water and excessive use of nail polish, dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, exposure to chemicals, dry environment etc. are some of the factors that cause brittle nails.

Here are some home remedies for brittle nails using 7 common kitchen ingredients.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil helps moisturise the nails, improve blood circulation, soften the cuticle and makes them stronger. Massage each nail with warm coconut oil for a minute to prevent dryness and to strengthen them against breaking off.

Sea Salt

Soaking nails in sea salt and water solution is one of the simplest methods to heal brittle nails. Adding lemon juice to the solution is also a healthy alternative.

Almond oil

Almonds are rich in antioxidants and nutrients, which help nourish the nails and prevent brittleness. To a teaspoon of almond oil, add some lemon juice, mix well and massage fingers with it or soak fingers in it for under 2 minutes.

Tomato juice

The antioxidant property and protein content in tomato will strengthen the nail texture and help heal brittle nails. To 2 tablespoons of tomato juice, add 2 drops of rosemary oil and dip nails in this solution for 10 minutes.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice contains Vitamin C that is a powerful antioxidant which fights free radicals to prevent damage. To make use of this benefit for the nails, dip a cotton ball in some freshly squeezed lemon juice, wipe each nail with it and wash nails with warm water.

Olive oil

It helps in the absorption of calcium and improves bone mineralisation to strengthen brittle nails. Just dip your fingers in olive oil for 10 minutes or massage the nails with olive oil.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains moisturising compounds which prevents the breaking of nails. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 2-3 cups of warm water, dip a cotton ball to the mixture and apply on the nails.



Facial palsy – Symptoms and AyurvedicTreatments


Facial palsy, also called Bell’s palsy or facial paralysis is the complete loss of voluntary functions or paralysis of one side of the face resulted from the damage to the facial nerve. It is considered as an idiopathic condition as there is no specific cause or explanation.

Clinical features of facial palsy

Loss of functions that are carried out by facial muscles and nerves
Dropping of the face to one side
Numbness or pain in head, nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead, etc.
Deviation of neck to one side
Pain in corresponding joints

Ayurvedic definition of facial paralysis

Facial palsy is referred to as Ardita in Ayurveda and is defined as the condition caused by vitiated Vatalodged in the corresponding nerves, arteries and veins of the face declining their functioning.

Predominant symptoms of facial paralysis according to Ayurveda,

Shivering of head
Stuttering or difficulty in speech
Discomfort in eyes, nose and mouth
Numbness or pain in head, nose, eyes, lips, cheeks, forehead, etc.
Stiffness of neck muscles and jaw
Lacrimation or flow of tears
Loss of tactile sensation in affected area
Improper sleep

Ayurvedic treatments for facial palsy

Ayurveda suggests herbal medications as well as therapies to treat aggravated Vata, strengthen the nerves, improve blood circulation and recovery of facial muscle strength. Panchakarma is strongly recommended to detoxify the body and therapies like Abhyangam, Swedana, Snehapanam, Virechanam, Pizhichil, Vasti, etc. are advised.

Nasyam – Nasal administration of medicines is one among the 5 therapies of Panchakarma. It lubricatesthe nasal passages and is considered effective in treating diseases pertaining to head. It aims to flush out the toxins from neck and head region and strengthen the sensory organs.

Shirovasthi Lukewarm herbal oil is retained on the head for a specific amount of time to stimulate specific points on the head that is effective for treating facial palsy. It is also indicated for migraine, insomnia, cervical spondylosis etc.

Shirodhara – Medicated oil is poured gently on the forehead in a continuous stream to relax the nervous system and treat nervous disorders like facial palsy and Parkinson’s and also other conditions such as insomnia, migraine, memory loss, hearing impairment, etc.

9 Ayurvedic home remedies for prickly heat

One of the most common skin problem in the summer season, prickly heat causes itchy rashes usually on the face, neck, back, chest and thighs. It occurs when sweat cannot escape through the hair follicles and is trapped in the skin forming small raised red spots.

Here are 9 effective Ayurvedic home remedies for prickly heat.

Neem leaf paste The healing properties of neem is effective against skin inflammation and itching. Apply neem leaf paste on the affected area and wash it off after drying for managing prickly heat.
Sandalwood and rosewater – The antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of sandalwood combined with rose water act as a soothing home remedy for the burning sensation and skin irritation. The refreshing and pleasant smell of sandalwood also wards off the bad odour of sweat.
Aloe vera and cucumber gel – The cooling properties of both the aloe vera and cucumber gel provides relief to prickly heat. Apply a paste made of aloe vera and cucumber to alleviate inflammation and ease redness.
Multani mitti – Also called fuller’s earth, multani mitti helps unclog the pores and refreshes the skin. Make a paste of it with rosewater and apply on the affected area for relief.
Chickpea flour/Besan It acts as a cleanser and removes impurities, while also exfoliating dead skin cells. Make a paste of besan and water or rose water and apply on the affected area. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.
Camphor and neem oil – Apply a paste made of powdered camphor and neem oil is effective against itching and burning sensation. Antimicrobial properties of neem will prevent infections, while the micture will also be cool and refreshing to the skin.
Honey – Hailed for its antibacterial properties, honey can be applied on the affected area to sooth the itchiness and skin irritation.
Papaya – Papaya helps ease the burning sensation, unclogs the pores and exfoliates dull skin. Mash some ripe papaya and apply on the prickly heat.
  1. Epsom salt bath – Add epsom salt to warm bath water and soak in it or apply a cloth soaked in epsom salt water on the rash to exfoliate dead cells and heat the rashes.