6 Ayurvedic home remedies for mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are painful sores in the oral cavity that occur on the inner lining of
the cheek and lips and on the gums. They can manifest either as clusters or as a
single sore. The causes of mouth ulcers include excess intake of foods and
spices like, black pepper, chilli, etc. that are pitta aggravating, acidic fruits and
vegetables, deficiency of iron and Vitamin B12, constipation and stomach
Here are 6 Ayurvedic home remedies to cure mouth ulcers.
1) Honey
Honey is antibacterial and also speeds up the process of new tissue
growth. Apply raw honey on the ulcer or you can also mix a pinch of
turmeric into it for quick healing.
2) Coconut oil
The natural inflammatory properties of coconut oil helps reduce the
swelling and pain caused by the sore. Swish around some coconut oil in
your mouth and spit it out. Do it several times a day for better results.
3) Tulsi leaves
Chewing some fresh tulsi leaves and swallowing it with water is
therapeutic to mouth ulcers. It is also advised to do it several times a day.
4) Salt water
Salt water function as an antiseptic to heal the ulcer. Mix a tablespoon of
salt in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle it thoroughly in your mouth
for a few times during the day.
5) Clove oil
The antimicrobial action and healing properties of clove oil help
extensively in curing oral problems. Dip a cotton swab in clove oil and
apply it directly on the ulcer. Leave it for some time to get absorbed and
later rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area affected with the
6) Garlic
Garlic possesses strong antimicrobial properties that can be used to treat
infections. Cut a garlic clove in half and gently rub it on the ulcer for a
minute. Rinse you mouth with water after some time.

13 Effective Ayurvedic tips & Home Remedies to reduce Obesity

Here are some recommended Ayurveda tips and home remedies that can naturally and effectively guide you toward healthy weight loss –
1. Early to bed and Early to rise. Set a time schedule of going to bed before 10:00 pm and rise by 5:00 am.
2. Exercise daily for 1 hour. Include walking, jogging, yoga in the routine.
3. Drink half a glass of water just before food, it will reduce the appetite a little bit.
4. Eat slowly, it decreases hunger.
5. Go for short walks after each meal.
6. Replace curds with butter milk.
7. Avoid sweets, all types of oily food stuffs and junk foods.
8. Practice eating at regular time schedules.
9. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
10. Have small healthy meals at frequent intervals instead of big meals 2 or 3 times a day.
11. A glass of lukewarm water along with few drops of lemon juice and half a teaspoon honey on an empty stomach every morning is recommended.
12. Drink juice of Bottle Gourd, Mint Leaves and Basil Leaves every day. It is effective in treating obesity.
13. Drinking Amla juice on an empty stomach in the morning is also effective for weight-loss.

Ayurvedic practices for a strong immune system

Ayurveda defines immunity as the product of healthy digestion, strong digestive
fire, proper functioning of liver and a balanced endocrine system. The ancient
wisdom connects immunity to ojas or vigor which provides strength and vitality
to the body. Ojas is the essential part of all body tissues and is responsible for
overall health and energy, while also fighting and preventing infections and
diseases. It is said that the strength of ojas determines the factors that result in
Here are some practices to protect the ojas and bolster immunity.
Strengthen digestive fire
A strong digestive fire or agni promotes optimal health which in turns protects
ojas. And a diet to strengthen agni should be emphasized upon on healthy and
whole foods and should be devoid of refined sugars and processed foods. Eating
meals at regular intervals every day is also important to keep the digestive fire
Balance sleep
Sleep deprivation can compromise immunity and can lead to severe health
problems. Sound sleep for about 7 to 8 hours combined with sleeping and
waking up at same time every day balances the sleep cycle to promote
Minimize stress
Managing stress is vital for the immune response of the body as stress hormones
can suppress the immune system. A relaxed mind and body strengthens the
vigour and improves immunity.
Proper exercise improves blood circulation, strengthens digestive fire,
encourages elimination of toxins and provides sound sleep. All of these benefits
bolster the immune system and keep the body healthy.
5 Immunity building herbs according to Ayurveda –
It is one of the most effective immunity building herbs. Ashwagandha helps
balance the stress hormone levels and prevents the depletion of Vitamin C when
under stress.

Pounded Ashwagandha root in a small dosage can be added to a glass of warm
sweetened cow’s milk and consumed daily to build immunity.
Tulsi can reduce stress, balance metabolism, build stamina and strengthen
immunity. It is also a natural immune-modulator due to its high antioxidant
Tulsi can be consumed either in raw form or included in tea. Tulsi juice mixed
with a few drops of ginger and honey is an efficient remedy for immunity
Amla is a good source of Vitamin C which is vital for the immune system. It
also supports liver function by flushing out toxins, cleanses blood and promotes
the functioning of immune system.
Powdered Amla can be consumed together with honey and its juice can be taken
alone or with other juices to balance sourness.
Ginger is a good source of antioxidants and can help decrease aggravated
doshas. It also boosts immunity levels and can fight infections.
Ginger can be used in its raw, dried, powdered or juiced forms.
Due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, neem can prevent and fight
infection. It can also purify blood, support liver functioning and detoxify.
A daily dose of neem with tulsi and ashwagandha will help fight stress and
build immunity.

7 Natural home remedies for joint pain

Joint pain can cause resistance in movement and are sometimes accompanied by swelling and stiffness in the joints. Ranging from mild to severe, the pain can be due to arthritis, gout, sprain or injury affecting the ligaments and tendons surrounding a joint.
According to Ayurveda, inflammation and swelling in the joints is caused by the aggravation of vata dosha which deposits toxins on the sites of the joints. Ayurvedic treatment for the condition is directed at balancing vata in the body. Even though severe joint pain requires proper medical attention and treatment, mild pain can be get ridden of with the help of some natural home remedies.
Here are 7 home remedies recommended for joint pain –
1. Fenugreek paste
It is a popular home remedy for joint pain due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Grind fenugreek seeds and water or mustard oil, make a paste and apply this on the joints for warmth and comfort.
2. Epsom salt bath
Epsom salt can provide quick relief by lowering inflammation, reducing muscle spasms and relaxing tensed areas.
Mix Epsom salt in warm water and bath with it or soak in it for some time. Applying towel soaked in this water on joints is another way to make use of it.
3. Drumstick leaves
It possesses anti-inflammatory properties which makes it ideal for quick relief from joint pain.
Make a paste of drumstick leaves and apply it on affected joints for relief.
4. Milk and turmeric
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory spice which can reduce swelling.
Mix 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder to a glass of lukewarm milk and drink it every day for pain relief.
5. Cinnamon and honey
Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory agent and can also prevent tissue damage in joints. And when combined with honey, it boosts the spice’s healing properties.
Mix half teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one tablespoons honey to a glass of warm water and drink it daily in an empty stomach to reduce joint pain and swelling. Applying a paste of cinnamon and honey on the affected area is also helpful with the pain.
6. Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil is analgesic and anti-inflammatory. The components in it can decrease pain by increasing blood flow and skin temperature.
Massage eucalyptus oil in a circular motion on the affected areas for relieving pain. It can also be used mixed with petroleum jelly.
7. Extra virgin olive oil
Olive oil is rich in omega 3- fatty acids that are anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. This can reduce inflammation and stiffness and soothe the pain on the joints.
Use extra virgin olive oil in the diet as cooking oil or salad dressings. Applying olive oil on the affected area and consuming 2 tablespoons a day are also said to be effective.

7 Ayurvedic Ways to take care of your skin

Skincare is an important part of our self-care regime as skin is the first and foremost noticeable attribute of a person. Attractive and glowing skin boosts our self-confidence while also being indicative of our skin being healthy. Ayurveda, the age-old life science dictates practices and methods to acquire glowing skin, while also improving your skin health with effective treatments to many of the common skin problems.
Here are 7 Ayurvedic ways to take care of your skin:-
• Raw milk to cleanse
Raw milk is an excellent cleanser and helps remove dirt and impurities from the pores to leave your skin glowing. Dip a cotton ball in the milk and gently clean your face with it. The fats and lactic acid in the milk also contain moisturizing and softening properties. Adding milk to your bath is also an effective way to soothe and nourish your skin.

• Sandalwood, turmeric and milk to cure acne
A thick paste made from sandalwood powder, turmeric and milk is all what you need to fight the most common of the skin problems, acne and pimple. Apply the paste on your face and neck to feel the difference in skin texture.

• Aloe Vera for inflammation
Massaging your face with the gel from aloe vera leaves helps reduce the swelling and redness caused by acne and pimples, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also makes the skin smooth, supple and younger looking. Drinking aloe vera juice is also great to enhance the vitality of the skin.

• Honey for fine lines and wrinkles
The nectar is not only sweet to taste, but also possess amazing skincare benefits. Applying honey on your face and neck can avoid fine line and wrinkles and will make your skin soft, supple and moisturized.

• Oils to moisturize
Coconut oil being beneficial for lustrous hair is a well-known fact, but its effects in skincare is not explored by many. Massaging it on your face and body deeply moisturizes the skin and leaves it radiant. Olive oil is also considered as an effective moisturizer and helps prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

• Neem to purify
Neem’s anti-bacterial and analgesic properties benefits your skin in many ways even when used in different forms. Applying neem oil on face removes blackheads, a paste of neem leaves and turmeric gives flawless skin and a concoction of neem leaves and water helps clear acne, scars and pigmentation.

• Potato for pigmentation
Potato is a natural skin lightener and rubbing a slice of it daily on your skin will lighten your complexion and gets rid of dark spots and blemishes for spotless, glowing skin.

Tips to balance Vata Dosha

From the circulation of blood to movement inside digestive system to the functioning of nervous system, Vata regulates the flow of motion in our body. It also governs the movement of the other doshas pitta and kapha in the body and so it is important to keep vata in balance.
Balanced vata is beneficial for alert mind, digestive health, blood circulation and an even body temperature. When vata is imbalanced, it results in feeling cold at room temperature, lack of focus, occasional constipation, anxiety and worry.
Here are some tips to keep Vata in balance for a healthy body –
1. Stay warm
A warm and cozy ambience is recommended to keep vata in balance. When feeling cold, resort to cover up your body in layers of warm clothing or drinking warm beverages. A traditional full body oil massage is also ideal to balance vata.
2. Keep calm
Meditating and staying calm are important to help balance vata. Following a regular daily routine will keep the body refreshed, while being stress-free calms down the nervous system for soothing the vata dosha.
3. Balance Digestion
Proper digestion and regular bowel movements are key in balancing vata. When digestion is imbalanced, it can result in intestinal cramps, occasional diarrhoea, constipation and gas.
4. Regular meals and nourishment
Eating meals at regular intervals everyday reduces the tendencies of vata imbalance. Also, avoid cold and frozen food, pungent and bitter tastes. Warm and cooked foods and sweet, sour and salty flavours, and oily foods help balance vata.
5. Yoga and Meditation
Yoga help massage and loosen joints and muscles which releases nervous tension and thereby calming vata. Practicing meditation calms both mind and body which in turn has a positive effect on vata.
6. Rest well
Proper resting and unwinding is crucial for the body to manage vata. Leisure activities like listening to music, reading or just simply relaxing calms the body. As vital is sound sleep for a refreshed body proper bodily functions, it is also key in regulating vata,

6 Natural Remedies for a Healthier Eyesight

There are many things one can do at home, including lifestyle changes and various home remedies that will improve their overall eyesight.
Here are 6 natural remedies that can be followed for a healthier eyesight –
1. Amla
Known as the wonder herb with multiple health benefits, Amla is loaded with high percentage of Vitamin C, nearly 20 times more than Orange. Vitamin C plays significant role in maintaining retinal cells and also in promoting healthy capillaries. Practice drinking Amla Juice on empty stomach when you wake up every morning. You can also have Amla juice with 1 tsp of honey.
2. Eye exercises
Our eyes also require exercises to strengthen the ciliary muscles and to maintain the flexibility of eye lens to improve vision. Once daily, rotate your eyeballs up, down, sideways and in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions to relieve stress from the eyes. Focusing exercises in which the focus is shifted back and forth between objects kept at various distances are also advised for reinforcing the muscles around eyes.
3. Carrots
Carrots are loaded with beta carotene and vitamin A which help immensely in eye health. Munching on raw carrots or drinking carrot juice is an effective way to ensure you get enough nutrients from the vegetable to improve your vision.
4. Fennel
Fennel contains antioxidants and essential nutrients which slows down the progression of cataracts and promote healthy eyes.
Take 7 Almonds, 2 tablespoon Fennel and 1 tablespoon sugar in a blender and grind them into fine powder. Before going to bed, eat one tablespoon of this powder, followed by a glass of warm milk. Practice it regularly for 40 days.
5. Spinach
This leafy vegetable is also a good source of vitamin A and beta carotene along with high quantities of lutein and zeaxanthin which are beneficial for healthier eyesight. Add raw spinach to fruit smoothies or make a soup with it or cook with pulses for a diet that promotes sharp vision.
6. Almonds
Almonds are a remarkable source of Vitamin E and many other essential antioxidant agents. Eating almonds every day can improve your eyesight to a great extent. Just soak a few almonds in water overnight and eat them in the morning for healthy eyes.

Arthritis and its Management through Ayurveda

Arthritis is an inflammatory disorder which causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. Normal wear and tear of the joints or the formation of uric acid crystals which results in increased friction between knee joint structures are considered as the common causes of arthritis. It is a progressive disease which may worsen with advancing age. Most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by the breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone which usually occurs with age and affects fingers, knees and hips. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the joints causing swelling and pain.
Arthritis and Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, Arthritis is primarily caused by aggravation of Vata dosha. Imbalance of vata results in improper digestive health or Agni, due to which the body produces Ama or toxins that gets circulated in the body and are eventually deposited in the weak sites of joints. This blocks the supply of essential nutrients to the joints causing deterioration and eventually resulting in inflammation, stiffness, swelling and pain.
Ayurveda defines osteoarthritis as Sandhi Vata and rheumatoid arthritis as Ama Vata. Sandhi Vata indicates swelling in joints because of presence of morbid Vata, while Ama Vata is caused by accumulation of Ama or toxins in joints that leads to chronic inflammation.
Causes of Vata aggravation
As Vata is a deciding factor in causing arthritis, it is vital to understand how Vata gets aggravated in the body and the external influences that contribute to it.
Causes of Vata aggravation include,
• Eating raw, cold, dry, bitter, astringent and pungent foods in excess.
• Eating meals at irregular intervals can hinder the digestion process that balances vata.
• A hectic lifestyle full of stress and tension will help aggravate vata and causes nervousness and anxiety.
• Staying excessively cold or dry environment is also said to cause vata imbalance.
• Lack of sound sleep and imbalance of natural sleep cycle.
• Extensive travelling that tires the body.
• Lack of sufficient rest and relaxation to the body.
Ayurvedic management of Arthritis
Ayurveda recommends balancing vata dosha through healthy diet, lifestyle changes and yoga asanas for treating arthritis. The primary concern is to strengthen Agni and to remove Ama. Ayurvedic body therapies like Pindasweda help reduce Ama and inflammation, while the rejuvenating Panchakarma therapies will remove imbalanced doshas in the body.
Here are some home remedies advised by Ayurveda to manage arthritis.
Abyanga or oil massage – An ayurvedic oil massage daily with castor oil or sesame oil is beneficial for settling Vata for joint health. The massage will stimulate the blood flow and gets rid of arthritis pain and inflammation.
Heat the oil until it is slightly warm and gently massage the painful joints with it. Cover the joint with a plastic wrap and apply warm towel to get relief from the pain.
Turmeric – Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory spice which helps reduce swelling. The anti-inflammatory properties in it is ideal for managing rheumatoid arthritis.
Add turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk and drink it daily before bed.
Cinnamon – Cinnamon helps relieve arthritis pain with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Add half teaspoon cinnamon powder and one tablespoon honey to a cup of warm water and drink it daily morning on an empty stomach. Applying a paste of cinnamon and honey to the painful area and massaging is also said to help with the pain.
Fenugreek – Fenugreek is excellent for restraining Ama and correcting Vata dosha. Using fenugreek seeds in food is a natural remedy for arthritis.
Grind fenugreek seeds and mix them with mustard oil. Apply this paste on joints of hands and knees for warmth and comfort.
Epsom salt – The healing properties of magnesium in Epsom salt prevents arthritis from hardening and reduces the amount of inflammation.
Mix Epsom salt in warm bath water and bath with it. Soaking in this bath water for some time is also beneficial for the body.

6 Yoga Poses for Heart Health

Heart health holds significant influence in our holistic health. The fact that any disorders or ailment to one of the most prominent organ in the body can impact life itself steers ourselves to finding a long term solution for prevention of heart diseases. The ancient wisdom of yoga holds answers to many of the worrisome queries of the modern world regarding the heart. Through postures and breathing exercises, yoga can lower blood pressure, increase lung capacity, lower bad cholesterol levels, boost circulation and improve heart health, while also acting as a preventive in heart ailments.
Here are 6 yoga asanas to combat heart problems.
Tadasana – Also called the mountain pose, this asana helps strengthen the vertebral column while also expanding the lungs.
Method – Stand erect and align your feet and heels for them to touch each other. Lift your hands above your head and join them in namaste. Inhale deeply and stretch your body upwards.
Utkatasana – In the chair pose, you can feel the increase in heart and respiration rate. The posture also stretches the chest and stimulates the heart.
Method – Stand erect with your feet slightly apart. Stretch your hands to the front with palms facing downwards while not bending the elbows. Bend the knees and gently push the pelvis down as if sitting in an imaginary chair.
Vrikshasana – The tree pose broadens the shoulders and opens the heart while also helping in developing a firm and balanced posture.
Method – Stand erect with arms by your side. Bend your right knee and place the right foot high up on your left thigh. Find your balance, take a deep breath in raise your hands over your head and bring it to a namaste. Release the position and repeat the same with left foot on right thigh.
Setu Bandhanasana – The bridge pose improves blood flow to the chest, stretches the spine and chest and facilitates deep breathing.
Method – Lie down on your back with hands stretched sideways. Fold your knees, spread them out and raise your body from the pelvis area with support from your hands.
Bhujangasana – The cobra pose stretches the chest and strengthens the heart.
Method – Lie down on your stomach with your hands next to your side. Push your body upwards with support from hands. Feel the stretch in your abdomen and concentrate USDA Certified Essential Oils on your breathing.
Dhanurasana – The bow pose is stimulating and it makes the whole body flexible while also opening up and strengthening the heart region.
Method – Lie on your stomach with your feet apart and arms by your side. Fold your knees, take your hands backwards and hold your ankles. Lift your chest off the ground breathing in and pull your legs up and back. Keep the pose stable while concentrating on your breath.

Incredible benefits of Flaxseeds

Flaxseed or linseed or flax are small brown or golden-coloured seeds cultivated as a food and fiber crop. Flaxseeds can be considered as a super food for being an outstanding source of protein and fiber and also due to the sheer number of health benefits they offer. The nutritional profile comprises of richest source of a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid called alpa-linolenic acid and contains a good amount of Vitamin B6, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Zinc.
Take a look at the incredible health benefits of Flaxseeds below.
Low in carbs and high in fiber
Flaxseeds contain a type of fiber that offer benefits for the intestinal tract. It increases nutrient absorption by keeping food in the stomach from emptying quickly into the small intestine. Flaxseeds are also high on fiber that detoxifies colon and promotes fat loss.
High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Flaxseeds contain Omega-3 fatty acid ALA that is vital for optimum health.
Aids in weight loss
The healthy fats and fiber in flaxseed can prevent continuous munching of calories by helping feel satisfied for longer. The fats also help reduce inflammation and thereby reducing the tendencies of the body to hold excess weight.
Lower cholesterol levels
The fiber content in these seeds trap fat and cholesterol in the digestive system before they are absorbed. These also trap bile made from cholesterol in the gallbladder and is excreted forcing the body to use up the excess cholesterol and thus lowering cholesterol levels.
High in antioxidants
Packed with antioxidants called lignans, flaxseeds are beneficial for anti-aging and hormone balance. Lignans also are antibacterial and thereby reducing severity of colds and flus.
Digestive health
The omega-3 fatty acid in flax protects the lining of the digestive tract and maintains overall gastro-intestinal health. It also reduces gut inflammation and thus is beneficial for digestive ailments.
Fights cancer
Benefits of flaxseeds are also said to fight cancers present in breasts, prostate, ovaries and colon.
For menopausal women
Lignans in flaxseeds contain estrogenic properties which can act as an alternative for hormone replacement. These also help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Hair and skin health
The omega-3 fatty acid in flaxseed help reduce the dryness and flakiness of the skin and hair. Acne is reduced while also improve the health of hair and nails.