Ayurveda treatment for sinusitis

Sinusitis is the condition characterized by the inflammation of tissues around the sinuses. Sinuses are the air-filled spaces behind the nasal bone, forehead, cheeks and eyes. When these openings are blocked, they become prone to infections. The condition can be triggered by factors including common cold, pollen allergies. The symptoms of acute sinusitis include facial muscle pain, stuffiness of the nose, running nose, loss of smell, congestion, etc.

Ayurveda regards the cause of sinus infections to be an imbalance of PranaVata, a subtype of Vata which governs the brain and head and Shleshaka Kaphawhich governs moisture and lubrication balance. Imbalances of these doshascan block the sinus channels which leads to the imbalance of Pitta that causes sinus inflammation.

Ayurvedic recommendations to manage Sinusitis

Steam inhalation – Steam act as a decongestant which effectively clears the congestion and reducing sinusitis pain. Adding ginger, eucalyptus oil, cough drops and other medicated herbs to boiling water and inhaling thesteam is extremely beneficial. Inhaling steam can be done multiple times a day for relief. Chronic sinusitis with excessive pain require continuous steam inhalation treatment for at least two years.
Nasyam – One among the Panchakarma detoxification therapies of Ayurveda, nasyam involves administering medicines through the nostrils. Medicated oils or herbal preparations administered through the nasal passages helps remove the excess humor in sinus cavities which improves the flow of oxygen in the body. This cures the pain associated with sinusitis.
Jala Neti – It is a yogic purification method which involves purifying the nasal passages with water. Jala neti is a simple technique which is highly recommended for relieving problems associated with sinuses.
Oil massage – Oil massages pacifies the Vata dosha and prevents the accumulation of Kapha on the face. Use of Mahanarayana oil, sesame oil or Narayana oil is beneficial for sinus. Warm oil is recommended for maximum effectiveness.
Spices – Drinking water flavoured with spices is another remedy suggested by Ayurveda. Add tulsi leaves, slices of ginger, cloves and mint leaves to water and drink it throughout the day for managing the condition.
Diet – It is recommended to avoid cold and oily food when suffering from sinusitis. Processes foods, chocolates, alcohol and carbonated drinks are also restricted. It is also advised to increase the intake of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Starting the day with a glass of water with lemon juice is also considered beneficial for sinusitis patients.

6 Super foods to manage Diabetes

One of the most common lifestyle disease nowadays, diabetes is a metabolic
disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels in the body. Lifestyle and
dietary changes are highly recommended for diabetic patients after the onset of
the condition.
Here are 6 super foods recommended by Ayurveda to help manage Diabetes.
Bitter gourd
Being rich in plant insulin, bitter gourd is highly recommended for decreasing
high blood sugar levels. It also contains essential compounds which aids in the
absorption of glucose. Drinking bitter gourd juice daily is hailed beneficial for
diabetic patients. Bitter gourd can also be added in the daily diet through dishes
and curries.
One of the richest source of Vitamin C, amla helps regulate the function of
pancreas to maintain blood glucose levels in balance. Amla can be eaten raw or
made into juice and consumed mixed with bitter gourd juice.
Fenugreek seeds
Possessing hypoglycemic properties, fenugreek seeds helps reduce blood
glucose levels significantly. It is also found beneficial for improving glucose
tolerance and to stimulate secretion of glucose-dependent insulin. Add
fenugreek seeds in cooking or soak 2 tbsp. of fenugreek seeds in water
overnight and drink that water and eat the seeds the next morning. Ground
fenugreek seeds and turmeric can also be taken with a glass of milk twice daily.
Drumstick leaves
Drumstick or Moringa oleifera leaves are helpful in maintaining healthy blood
sugar levels, while also boosting one’s energy. The leaves contain nutrients that
aids in increasing the insulin secretion in the body. It is also rich in antioxidants
and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Moringa leaves can be added to the
daily diet by steaming, added in salad or in other dishes.
Jamun or Indian blackberry is considered a major anti-diabetic food in
Ayurveda. Along with the rich antioxidant properties, it contains jamboline, a
chemical which helps slow down the diastatic conversion of starch into sugar.
Jamun can be eaten raw, its seeds can be added in lukewarm water in powdered

form and consumed. Chewing of jamun leaves is also considered beneficial for
preventing the conversion of starch into sugar.
The combination of three fruits – amlaki, bibhitaki and haritaki; triphala is a
powerful antioxidant which is found effective in lowering the blood sugar
levels. A decoction made out of triphala and turmeric can be taken daily to
manage diabetes.

7 Health benefits of ginger

Ginger is considered as a universal medicine in Ayurveda and is used
extensively for disorders pertaining to the digestive, respiratory and circulatory
system for thousands of years. A tonic and a stimulant, the versatility of ginger
can be found in its use in therapeutic purposes, traditional cuisine and common
home remedies.
Below listed are some of the incredible health benefits of ginger.
Ginger is hailed as an anti-inflammatory superfood alongside turmeric and
cardamom. It contains the compound gingerol, a natural anti-inflammatory and
antioxidant. This natural anti-inflammatory agent helps curb an overactive
immune system and induces healing.
Relieves muscle pain
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger helps relieve muscle and joint pain
associated with conditions like arthritis. It lowers the levels of tissue hormones
that induce pain and inflammation to manage the condition. The spice is also
beneficial to treat muscle soreness induced by exercises.
Aids in digestion
The pungent root is famous for its therapeutic action on digestive health. It is
both a practical and effective antidote to indigestion, bloating, stomach pain and
nausea. Ginger protects and heals the gut while also promoting the movement of
food through gastrointestinal tract and reducing bloating and cramps. Chew a
small piece of fresh ginger before a meal helps induce appetite and boosts the
digestive capacity. Being a great digestive tonic, ginger improves gastric health,
alleviates constipation, vomiting, acidity and protects the gastric lining against
Regulates blood sugar
One of the surprising health benefits of ginger is its ability to regulate blood
sugar. It temporarily increases the metabolic process where the body burns
stored fat to create heat. This boosting effect increases fat burning and promotes
healthy blood sugar levels.
Fights infections
Containing powerful anti-fungal and antimicrobial compounds, ginger fights
infections. The bio-active compound gingerol in the spice is also an analgesic,

sedative, antipyretic and antibacterial. Studies have found that ginger extract has
abilities to inhibit the growth of different types of bacteria including the oral
bacteria linked to the inflammatory diseases in the gums.
Clears congestion
Being a natural expectorant, ginger helps loosen up the phlegm in the lungs and
air passages and aids in its elimination. Drinking ginger tea is a common home
remedy to manage chest congestion and persistent cough.
Lowers cholesterol levels
Studies have also linked ginger to reduce low density lipoproteins or bad
cholesterol which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

6 Amazing health benefits of turmeric milk

Golden milk or turmeric milk is hailed as one of the healthiest drinks since
ancieent times. Made by adding turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root into
boiled milk, it is one of the staple drink in Indian households to fight minor
illnesses and also as a tonic for general health.
Below listed are some of the amazing benefits of turmeric milk.
Builds immunity
Turmeric milk is one of the most preferred health drink to improve general
immunity and to keep away diseases during the cold and flu season. Drink a
glass of turmeric milk in the morning or at night for preventing infectious
diseases with the drink’s antiviral and antibacterial effects.
Relieves respiratory tract infections
Golden milk is one of the commonly used traditional home remedy for cough,
cold and other respiratory tract infections. The spice helps boost mucus
production which naturally flushes out the microbes that are present in the
respiratory tract causing infections. Both the antiviral and antibacterial
properties along with the anti-inflammatory properties are at play here to help
relieve the symptoms.
Remedy for digestive issues
Regarded as an important culinary spice, turmeric helps improve digestion
while also relieving gas, bloating and heartburn resulting from gastric reflux. It
also increases the flow of bile which aids in the digestion of fat. A cup of
turmeric milk a day is an effective home remedy for loss of appetite and
indigestion. The drink is also used to prevent and treat gastrointestinal
infections and to get rid of worms, especially in children.
Liver tonic
Turmeric milk helps boost the liver function by reducing its toxic load which
includes environmental pollutants, chemical additives in processed foods and
medicines taken for diseases. The detoxifying action of turmeric is beneficial
for reducing the impact of these toxic substances on the liver tissue.
Blood purifier and natural detox
Turmeric has always been regarded as a good detoxifying agent by aiding in the
elimination of impurities in the blood and improving the function of the liver.

Also, the diuretic effects of turmeric helps eliminate these impurities and toxins
through urine.
Reduces arthritic pain
Turmeric milk is considered a highly effective herbal remedy for pains and
aches associated with conditions like arthritis. The anti-inflammatory benefits
provide relief to the pain and swelling due to arthritis. It also makes the joints
and muscles flexible, thereby reducing the pain.

Ayurvedic Approach to Manage Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s, the most common form of Dementia is a degenerative
neurological disorder characterized by memory loss and behavioural changes.
The onset of Alzheimer’s is often linked with old age, however the exact cause
of the condition is unknown.
Some of the common symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s include,
 Memory loss
 Behavioural changes
 Delay in response
 Difficulty in language
 Loss of thinking and judgement
 Difficulty in recognising familiar people and things
 Inability to remember recent events and activities
 Difficulty in doing routine tasks
 Social skill deterioration
 Change in sleeping pattern
 Highly emotional behaviour
Ayurvedic understanding of the condition
Ayurveda refers to the condition as ‘Smruthi Nasha’ and regards the cause to be
an imbalance in Vata dosha which naturally manifests with old age. When the
Manovaha Srotas or the channels that carry the cyclic impulses responsible for
memory is afflicted by the dosha, it leads to the malfunctioning of the mental
Ayurvedic treatment of Alzheimer’s disease primarily focuses on a Vata
balancing diet. Lifestyle recommendations along with yoga, pranayama are also
Herbs recommended for managing Alzheimer’s
Ayurveda suggests herbs to prevent degeneration and to strengthen the brain.
These herbs also act upon the Majja Dhatu and Manovaha Srotas while also
serving as nerve tonics.
 Ashwagandha – It is helpful for stopping the progress of Alzheimer’s
disease and dementia while also arresting the degenerations of brain cells.
Ashwagandha is also recommended for reducing mental fatigue and to
strengthen the brain cells.

 Brahmi – An anti-depressant, an anti-anxiety and a brain function
enhancer, brahmi is highly beneficial for treating conditions like
Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. It slows down the
progress of the disease and also prevents further damage to the brain
 Vacha – The root of the herb is used to relieve nerve related disorders and
help promote speech coordination and speech ability. Vacha is also
beneficial for increasing memory power and coordination.
 Haridra – The compound curcumin helps reduce free radicals in the body
and improves immunity and promotes overall health. It also helps reduce
inflammation and degeneration of brain cells.
 Shankhupushpi – The herb is beneficial for improving problems
involving remembering recent events which is common in Alzheimer’s
and dementia. It is also a brain tonic which helps relieve mental fatigue
and stress.
Panchakarma for Alzheimer’s disease
Panchakarma therapies are recommended for detoxification as well as to
balance the doshas.
The following therapies are recommended for managing the condition.
 Shirodhara – The process of gently caressing the forehead and scalp with
a thin stream of medicated oil is highly beneficial for mental fatigue,
stress and depression. Shirodhara helps improve the memory and
behaviour in Alzheimer’s patients, while also restoring the necessary
oxygen, blood supply and glucose to the brain cells and facilitating the
relaxation of tight junctions in the vessels of the central nervous system.
 Nasya – The process of administering medicines through the nasal
passages is beneficial for delivering the therapeutic agents into the central
nervous system.

8 Foods for heart health

Diet plays a major role in promoting heart health and to reduce the risks
associated with heart disease. It is also considered that certain foods can
influence the blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol levels and inflammation,
all of which are major contributors for heart health.
Here are 8 foods recommended to promote a healthy heart.
Leafy green vegetables
Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, leafy green vegetables like spinach,
kale, etc. promote heart health. They also contain a great source of Vitamin K
which protects the arteries. High in dietary nitrates, they help reduce blood
pressure, decrease the stiffness in arteries and improve the function of the cells
lining the blood vessels. Increasing the intake of leafy green vegetables is also
considered to reduce the risks associated with heart diseases.
Whole Grains
Including the nutrient rich parts of the grain – germ, endosperm and bran, whole
grains like whole wheat, brown rice, oats, barley, quinoa etc. are recommended
for heart health. Whole grains are also high in fiber when compared to refined
grains and help reduce the bad cholesterol which leads to the decrease of risk
for heart diseases.
Berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries are packed
with important nutrients that are influential for heart health. Berries contain
anthocyanins that are antioxidants which fight oxidative stress and
inflammation that can lead to the development of heart diseases.
Walnuts contain fiber and micronutrients like magnesium, copper and
manganese along with a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E and
folate which promote heart health.
Pulses and legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, etc. are effective for
reducing the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides. They are also
rich in fiber, protein and antioxidants that are beneficial for heart health.

An excellent source of heart-healthy monosaturated fats, avocados are
considered to reduce cholesterol levels and lower risks for heart diseases. It is
also beneficial for minimizing blood clots.
Seeds like chiaseeds and flaxseeds are great sources of nutrients like fiber and
omega-3 fatty acids which contribute to heart health. Including these seeds in
the diet will help reduce risks associated with heart disease like inflammation,
blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides. These also lower blood pressure
and minimize the build-up of plaques in the arteries.
Green tea
Green tea has been associated with properties that can help reduce cholesterol.
It can also facilitate increased fat burning and improve sensitivity to insulin.
Studies have also found out that the ingredients in it can also act as antioxidants
which prevent cell damage, reduce inflammation and promote overall heart

7 Ayurvedic tips to reduce high cholesterol

Cholesterol is essentially a fatty acid produced by the liver which is necessary
for synthesizing hormones, bile acid and vitamin D. And according to
Ayurveda, cholesterol is important for supporting and lubricating various
circulatory channels in the body known as ‘Shrotas’. But an excess of
cholesterol will clog the arteries and leads to various heart problems. The
Ayurvedic approach to balancing cholesterol is not only limited to lowering
the cholesterol levels, but also to balance the overall fat metabolism of the
body with dietary recommendations.
Here are 7 Ayurvedic tips to manage high cholesterol.
 Alfalfa – Alfalfa is hailed for its ability to manage diseases related to
the arteries. It helps clear the arteries that are congested with
cholesterol. Alfalfa can be taken daily as whole or mixed with juice.
 Arjuna – Arjuna is a powerful Ayurvedic herb that is highly
recommended for managing cardiac conditions like blockages, heart
attacks etc. Consuming the bark of the Arjuna tree in the form of
powder is considered beneficial. It also has the ability to dissolve
cholesterol and prevent blocks. It is advised to consume it earlier in the
morning, before breakfast along with lukewarm water.
 Coriander Considered to be one of the best herbal diuretic agents,
coriander helps revitalize the kidneys while also promoting proper
excretion of waste. And hence, the kidneys will also be able flush the
excess cholesterol from the body. Coriander can be added into the daily
diet through cooking as well as garnishing.
 Garlic – Garlic is considered extremely beneficial to counter high
cholesterol. Having two cloves of garlic daily helps neutralize the effect
of high cholesterol in the blood. Another added benefit is its ability to
free up the arteries.
 Guggulu – One of the popular herbs for treating high blood
pressure and high cholesterol in the blood, guggulu contain
guggulsterones that can block bad cholesterol in the blood. Taking 25
mg of guggulu after meals helps reduce high cholesterol.
 Holy basil or Tulsi – It is another traditionally used herb to treat high
cholesterol in the blood stream. Tulsi has the ability to eliminate excess
cholesterol through the kidneys and also to disintegrate cholesterol
from the body. Having 2-3 leaves of tulsi daily is extremely beneficial.
 Fenugreek seeds – Rich in Vitamin E, fenugreek also possess
antidiabetic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The compound
saponin found in fenugreek helps remove cholesterol and its fibre is

beneficial for reducing the synthesis in the liver. Including ½ to one
teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in daily diet is recommended.

Health Benefits of Black Pepper

The King of spices, black pepper is not only the widely used spice in the world
but also is hailed for the many health benefits it offers.
Here are the amazing health benefits of black pepper.
 Improves Digestive Health – Black pepper helps stimulate the digestive
juices and enzyme and thus promotes healthy digestion. When black
pepper is taken together with a meal it enhances the body’s ability to
break down and digest the food. The carminative properties of the spice
helps relieve stomach gas and flatulence.
 Promotes Weight Loss – The piperine compound in black pepper help
fight the formation of fat cells which aids in weight loss. Also, as black
pepper contains less calories, it makes a great addition to the weight loss
 Relieves Cold and Cough – Black pepper is known to stimulate
circulation and the mucous flow. And combining it with honey will help
enhance its effect as honey is a natural cough suppressant. Black pepper
also helps clear the respiratory tract and eases several other respiratory
ailments like whooping cough.
 Fights Infections – The antibacterial properties of black pepper help
prevent infection and spread of disease.
 Antioxidant Benefits – Antioxidant effects of the spice contributes to the
health in numerous ways. It fights the disease-causing free radicals and
boosts immunity.
 Improves Oral Health – Traditional oral health preparations often contain
black pepper as it help relieve toothache and oral infections. Pepper also
has anti-inflammatory properties which help treat gum inflammation.
Mixing black pepper with clove oil and applying on the affected area is
also considered beneficial.
 Exfoliates the skin – The spice can be used as a scrub to exfoliate the skin
and to remove dead skin cells to make the skin smoother. It also promotes
blood circulation and hence supplies more oxygen and nutrients to the

8 Nutrient-Rich Foods for a Healthy Diet

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are one of the most nutritious vegetables one can eat with the skins
on. They are rich in potassium which is good for heart health and Vitamin A which
is beneficial for vision. Free from fat and cholesterol, sweet potatoes have a rich,
sugary flavour while also low in calories.
Beans are nutrient-packed lean plant-based proteins. They also contain high-
fiber protein and hence can be digested more slowly than other meat-based
proteins. This help stabilize blood sugar and keeps hunger satisfied for longer.
Beans are also high in antioxidants. Red kidney beans, black beans and black-
eyed peas are more nutritious among the whole class of beans.
The sweet leafy green is packed with nutrients like vitamins A, C and E, folic
acid and calcium. It also has plenty of iron. Being a versatile leafy vegetable,
spinach can be eaten fresh, steamed, boiled, sautéed or baked. Raw spinach is
considered to be more nutritious than rest of the preparations.
Soybeans contain complete plant-based proteins, vitamins, minerals and
phytonutrients. The lean and readily available protein source in a small quantity
is enough to provide nutritional benefits. It can be eaten directly from their pods
or used in salad or mixed with grain-based dishes.
A great source of protein, almonds are also the healthiest of nuts. It has healthy
fats, calcium, magnesium and vitamin E. Nutritional benefits can be best
enjoyed when eaten whole, unroasted and unsalted. The skin of almonds holds
half their antioxidant power.
Avocado contains more protein than any other fruit. It is also high in healthy
monosaturated fats, potassium, vitamin E and lutein, the antioxidant. The
healthy fats present in it promote good blood flow and also reduces blood
pressure. One should also be careful with avocadoes as it has a high calorie
Quinoa is small dried seeds that develop a nutty flavor and a fluffy and crunchy
texture when cooked. It is a plant-based source of complete proteins. Containing

a balanced set of essential amino acids, quinoa aid tissue growth and repair. A
significant amount of magnesium and phosphorus is also present in quinoa.
It is a cruciferous vegetable with a high source of vitamins A, C, K and B-6.
Steaming the vegetable for three to five minutes is ideal to preserve its
nutritional benefits. Eat it raw is also beneficial. Broccoli help enhance
detoxification and is effective to reduce inflammation as well.

8 Ayurvedic Tips to Treat Dry Cough

Dry cough or Shushka Kasa is a common form of cough which does not
produce any mucus. When allergens or pollutants enter the throat pipe, airways
or lungs, they trigger the body to cough them out, which in turn leads to
inflammation of the respiratory tract and the throat. Dry cough can last for a
long time and can even become chronic.
Symptoms & Causes
Dry cough mostly presents with the below symptoms.
 Repeated dry coughs
 Formation of phlegm or sputum
 Dryness in the mouth and feeling excessive thirst and bitter taste
 Sore throat
 Burning sensation or suffocation in the chest
 Nausea
 Difficulty in swallowing food
Major causes of dry cough are infections in respiratory tract, sinusitis,
pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, inflammation due to allergens, etc. Dry
coughs can also be provoked by prolonged exposure to toxic smoke and high
Ayurvedic tips to manage dry cough
Follow these simple home remedies and lifestyle advises to manage dry
cough effectively.
 Turmeric milk – Hailed as a traditional medicine, turmeric milk is widely
used to treat dry cough and sore throat. Its benefits can be attributed to
the efficacy in treating respiratory tract infections. The ingredient
curcumin present in turmeric help fight inflammation and hence provides
relief from sore throat and dry cough. Drink warm turmeric milk before
bedtime for relief from sore throat.
 Ginger and honey cough syrup – Ginger can help relieve a variety of
respiratory disorders. It helps reduce phlegm and also relieves
inflammation. Honey is also an active ingredient

in Ayurvedic
medications for dry cough. Boil a piece of ginger in water. Filter the
water and mix in a teaspoon of honey and drink to soothe an infected
throat pipe.

 Basil concoction – Holy basil or Tulsi is a staple ingredient in most
Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants due to its ability in boosting
the body’s immunity. Boil water with a handful of basil leaves and steep
them for 15 minutes. Filter the water and drink. Adding ginger and honey
to the drink is also beneficial. Chewing tulsi leaves throughout the day will also aid in fast recovery.
 Eucalyptus steam – Eucalyptus oil is a highly recommended
decongestant. It is effective in fighting infections and has anti-
inflammatory and analgesic properties. Add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil to
boiling water and inhale the vapour. Massaging the throat and upper chest
with a few drops of eucalyptus oil is also beneficial.
 Consume turmeric powder mixed with honey thrice daily.
 Drink tea or coffee made with a decoction of sauf or aniseed.
 Add a pinch of cinnamon powder in warm water or tea and drink it for
relief from throat irritability.
 Inhaling steam or boiled water that contain peppermint oil is effective for
both dry as well as wet coughs.
Some lifestyle advises to follow when suffering from dry coughs.
 Avoid interaction with allergies like dust, pollen, pollution, etc.
 Restrict junk, spicy, dry and fast food

Prefer soups or warm nourishing foods in small quantities to strengthen
the digestive fire
 Stay away from irritants like smoke from mosquito coils and incense
 Install humidifier in bedroom
 Maintain a regular diet routine and sleep schedule
 Practice pranayama to strengthen the lungs